Instructions for Authors
Written submissions:
- All written submissions should be submitted as an editable word document (not PDF or pages)
- Any length of submission is okay
- Submissions should be in proper AMA format
- If submitting more than one piece, submit each separately
- Submissions with more than one author should be submitted by a single corresponding author
- Please include a title page at the beginning of all submissions that includes names (authorship order), degrees, and affiliations. This should be submitted as part of your document and not as a separate file. Please embed the title page in your submission.
- No dual submissions (i.e., if a submission has already been submitted elsewhere for review, it cannot be considered)
- The body of all submissions should be size twelve Times New Roman font
- The titles of all submissions should be in size fourteen Times New Roman font
- All submissions should be single-spaced and in block format
- Please embed all images in the document (rather than sending separate attachments)
Visual Art submissions:
- All images need to be submitted in high resolution (300 DPI or higher)
- Submit all images as a .jpeg or .png
- Include the media type
- Include the dimensions (if applicable)
- All art must be original works created by the submitting artist
- Visual art must be accompanied by an artist statement (PDF)
- The body of all statements should be in size twelve Times New Roman font
- The titles of all statements should be in size fourteen Times New Roman font
- All statements should be single-spaced and in block format (when applicable)
Follow all guidelines explicitly or your submission will not be considered for publication. See best publishing practices below.
Should you fail to follow the guidelines, your submission will be returned to you and will not undergo review.
Best Publication Practices
Prepare submission—Pay close attention to the mission & vision of the journal to ensure that your work is an appropriate fit. Our journal may make a specific call for submissions—adhere closely to this call and ensure that your work matches the theme before submitting.
Format your submission according to author guidelines, paying close attention to authorship, submission policies, and formatting (such as file type, format, citations, and supplemental documents). Read and reread these guidelines.
Failure to follow the publication’s guidelines will result in your submission being returned to you without review.
Do not submit your work to multiple journals at one time.
Based on the reviewers’ recommendations, the editor(s) will send you one of the following decisions:
Revision required: Address each of the suggested edits. Editor(s) may request that use track changes or highlight. the revisions you have made. Resubmit your work following the editors’ instructions, which may vary from the original submission process.
Decline: Review the reasons for the decision and spend plenty of time improving your work before submitting again. Take advantage of resources such as the Writing Center to help you navigate reviewers’ concerns.
Accept: Congratulations. Your work will undergo a copyedit and be sent back to you for approval before final publication. (You will have three business days to approve edits).
Please select the section you would like to submit to below for specific guidelines and submission forms: