


In order for you to succeed as a medical or graduate student, you will need to take care of yourself and recognize that wellness is a multi-faceted concept.  This module will introduce you to the various dimensions of wellness, with a specific focus on mental health.

What is Wellness?

Wellness has a personal meaning for each individual, so it can be defined in many ways. In general, wellness refers to overall well-being. More than the absence of disease or stress, wellness involves having:​​

  • Purpose in life
  • Active involvement in satisfying work and play
  • Joyful relationships
  • A healthy body and living environment
  • Happiness
Young woman practicing yoga in the nature. female happiness. Landscape background

Eight Dimensions of Wellness


Wellness incorporates many dimensions of health, each of which is interconnected within an individual’s total well-being. RVU supports embracing the Eight Dimensions of Wellness—emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual—to achieve longevity and improved quality of life as a student and beyond. Review more information about each dimension by following this link.

We encourage you to start building activities that support your wellness into your routine. For more resources to support your wellness, please visit website here

The Mental Health Benefits of Storytelling for Health Care Workers

Please view this powerful video on how sharing your stories with other can prevent burnout, help you maintain empathy and compassion, and restore your mental health.

What are Mental Health Services?

Mental health services are referred to by many names—counseling, therapy, psychological services, and crisis services, to name a few. At its core, mental health services are confidential conversations and experiences with a trained professional whose job is to help you resolve problems, navigate change, cope with life situations, address mental health disorders, and/or enhance your overall wellness. You may have heard a lot about therapy and therapists, but it’s not all true. Check out this handout challenging common myths about therapy.  

For What Concerns Might a Person Seek Mental Health Services?

  • Stress and anxiety
  • LGBTQ+ issues
  • Self-esteem
  • Perfectionism
  • Eating concerns and body image
  • Addiction
  • Relationship/family/friendship Issues
  • Feeling overwhelmed​
  • Grief and loss
  • Adjusting to life transitions
  • Cultural concerns
  • Imposter Syndrome

It’s critical to recognize the early warning signs that you may have or may develop a serious mental health issue. Please know that if you are experiencing any of the following, help is available.

  • Increased reliance on alcohol or illicit substances
  • Sudden lack of interest in school and/or a drop in grades
  • Being exposed to someone who took their own life
  • A recent traumatic event witnessed in the line of duty
  • Drawing away from others in the unit or department
  • Stressful life events that contribute to compassion fatigue at work
  • Family history of mental health issues
  • Increased health issues, including headaches or anxiety/depression
  • Withdrawal from those you once cared about/interacted with
  • Problems sleeping or showing up to work late
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Viscerally unsettling dreams
  • Unusual outbursts of anger and an inability to vocalize the problem

Adapted from this website

How Do I Access Mental Health Services?

There are several services available to RVU students and their household members free of charge. Free services tend to be brief and goal-focused; if you need longer term, specialized, or a higher level of care, referrals can be arranged based on your insurance coverage and financial situation. All services are confidential and records are kept separate from your student record. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please visit our website.

What if I need urgent support and cannot wait for an appointment?

24/7/365 support from a mental health clinician is available by calling 866-640-4777 and stating you need in-the-moment support.

What if I am Experiencing a Psychological or Medical Problem that Could have the Potential to Impact my Ability to Practice Medicine Safely?

RVU values diversity in the medical field and wants to support recovery and safe future medical practice for students who have conditions/disabilities which have the potential to adversely impact patient care if not well managed. For this reason, RVU maintains a contract with the Colorado Physicians’ Health Program (CPHP), which can help students to assess for potential impairment in the field and get connected with services to mitigate impairment. CPHP has helped many people to access the care they need and go on to have successful medical careers, bringing a unique perspective and deep compassion to their practice. To self-refer to CPHP or for more information, visit this website or consult with your campus Mental Health and Wellness Therapist. CPHP services are available only to Colorado students in the DO and PA programs at this time. RVU is actively engaged in advocacy in other states to create similar programs for our students on other campuses. Students not eligible for CPHP services but who may need help getting connected to services to mitigate potential impairment are encouraged to reach out to Mental Health and Wellness for more information.

MINDFULNESS:  A Practice to Enhance Your WELLNESS

Mindfulness is an ancient practice found in a wide range of spiritual and religious traditions, including Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Recently, Western psychology has started to recognize mindfulness as a non-religious practice that can have many benefits to several dimensions of wellness, including emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical, and relational health.

There are many different definitions of mindfulness. Russ Harris defines mindfulness as “a process of paying attention with flexibility, openness, and curiosity. This definition tells us three important things:

  1. Mindfulness is an awareness process, not a thinking process—it involves paying attention to your experience as opposed to being “caught up” in your thoughts.
  2. Mindfulness involves a particular attitude of openness and curiosityeven if your experience at this moment is difficult, painful, or unpleasant, you can be open to it and curious about it instead of running from it or fighting with it. 
  3. Mindfulness involves flexibility of attentionthe ability to consciously direct, broaden, or focus your attention on different aspects of your experience.

We invite you to experience a basic mindfulness exercise now!

​Source:  Harris, R. (2009). ACT Made Simple: An Easy-To-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.


Answer the following question in the comment section below before moving to the next module:

Please share one action that you will take to improve your wellness this year.

Take time to read and engage with your classmates' answers, as well! You can return to this page at any time to carry on the conversation.

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228 Please share one action that you will take to improve your wellness this year.
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Madison R Hand
8 months ago

Please share one action that you will take to improve your wellness this year.I have always kept myself very busy, I like to be busy but sometimes I think I need to slow down and take a breath. I am going to try and make time every day or every week where I just sit down and listen to what my mind and body need. 

Emily Zhao
9 months ago

I will do as much physical activity as possible, especially once the weather gets cooler

Garrett Christopher Whiting
9 months ago

I am going to incorporate running or an outdoor activity with my wife and kids at least 3 times each week.

Jose Gonzalez
9 months ago

I will try harder to find time to work out.

Vi Dao
9 months ago

Reach out for help. I am great at providing help to others in need but horrible at reaching out on my behalf. To improve my wellness, I will reach out to peers, professors, health professionals to have an open discussion about my health!

Meagan Smith
9 months ago

To improve my wellness, I will be present in my activities and find joy in the hard things.

Derek McClune
9 months ago

I will maintain the routines and habits that build my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I will take the time to serve myself so that I may better serve others.

Hannah Jacob
9 months ago

I will work out at least 3 times a week to help keep up with my physical wellness

Binh Minh Nguyen
9 months ago

One action I will take to improve my wellness this year is to force myself to reach out anytime I need support. I will not be embarrassed to reach out to a therapist or a friend if I need to.

Sadie Rowland
9 months ago

I am excited to take care of my physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness by spending time outside. Getting fresh air has always helped me feel happy and grounded. I hope to explore the national parks and trails in Utah with any free time I might have.

Anatalia Kerstan
9 months ago

This year I am committing to creating a wellness program that will allow me to both improve my physical fitness while also refreshing my mind. This will include time to work-out at a gym, as well as participate in activities that I enjoy, such as mountain biking, hiking, and rock climbing, when I have the available time. I will be very busy with all the studying that will need to be done, but I am also cognizant of the fact that I will learn better if I am also actively focusing on wellness as well as on my studies. I am committing to being a well-balanced student this year.

Please share one action that you will take to improve your wellness this year.
Please see above.
Daniela Rodriguez
9 months ago

During my undergraduate career I found the sport of boxing. I fell in love with the stress relief it gave me. I realized the days I made time for my 2 hour practices no matter how late in the day or what I had going on is my school life, I always walked out of the gym happier. After graduating I stopped boxing.

I know I will need stress relief during medical school therefore my plan is to restart my training slowly with simple tasks such as shadow boxing, jump roping and running. Eventually, I hope to find a gym that provides a punching bag and/or training.

Talha Chaudhry
9 months ago

I plan on working out throughout this year because it gives me motivation and helps me cope with the challenges I face in life.

Jett Glasser
9 months ago

The biggest action I will take is ensure I am staying active in nature and at the gym in order to become healthier. I will take care of my body by keeping it working and eating better than I have in the past.

Jeremy Myers
9 months ago

Please share one action that you will take to improve your wellness this year.
I intend on seeking out a therapist within the Parker area to help me with managing the stress that comes with being a medical student. I do not view seeking therapy as a weakness and I am seeking this out as a preventative measure so that I do not fall upon things such as alcohol in order to help me cope with stress. One of my main goals through this therapist is to help me establish a solid support system consisting of my wife, fellow students, and online resources to help me power through the stress of the lofty expectations that my family and I put on myself.

Jonathan Ivankovic
9 months ago

One action that I will take to improve my wellness this year will be to set aside time each week to pursue a new hobby or learn a new skill outside of medicine.

James Tran
9 months ago

Engaging in mindfulness and meditation, reaching out for help when needed, using resources provided by RVU, reflecting on my mental well-being and identifying places for improvement, and prioritizing self care.

Justin Anderson
9 months ago

I will make time for myself every week. Whether that is meeting with classmates to hangout and talk about things other than medical school or find time to go to the gym when I have free time.

Jennifer Wicks
9 months ago

I am going to consistently make time for myself outside of school to destress through yoga and internal checkins.

Kathleen Villaluz
9 months ago

I plan to prioritize my wellness by dedicating at least an hour a day to go to the gym or do some type of exercise. I know that the first year of medical school will be very rigorous, but being active is something that helps to clear my mind and overall improve my wellness in all aspects of life.

Maddie Kinney
9 months ago

I will only go to school and participate in school labs when it is mandatory to do so.

Robert Reed
9 months ago

Working on self reflection will be very important to me this year. Being able to recognize when something is not right or needs to be worked on will be incredibly important to my overall well-being.

Allie Bespalko
9 months ago

I am planning on creating a schedule to exercise regularly and also get back into dancing which was a lifelong passion of mine until recently. I made a promise to myself to be diligent in doing this, which will help both my physical and mental health, and maintain time that is strictly dedicated to taking care of myself.

9 months ago

I will prioritize speaking to a therapist. I think sometimes it’s overwhelming to sort your thoughts out and feel at peace, so I would want to have someone who can help me develop individualized strategies for coping with stress.

Rachel Cohen
9 months ago

I plan to meet with an RVU counselor to establish a relationship in case I ever need to meet with one again in the future. I think maintaining good mental health and wellness is extremely important in succeeding in medical school.

Olivia Sotelo
9 months ago

One action I will take is participating in a bible study.

Lucas A
9 months ago

Please share one action that you will take to improve your wellness this year.

  • I want to get into a routine of meditating and integrating yoga or relaxation techniques into my daily life alongside working out.
Erik M Newland
9 months ago

I will exercise consistently.

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