


Welcome to the Frank Ritchel Ames Memorial Library

In this series of short videos, we are going to provide an overview of our website by highlighting important webpages. Students should bookmark the webpages that we cover in the following videos. Before beginning the module, please take a moment to create a bookmark folder called “RVU Library” in the browser of your choice. The Library’s homepage can be accessed at Our homepage is the first bookmark that students should add to their bookmark folder. From our homepage, students can navigate to our website's most highly trafficked and popular areas.

Please keep in mind that students will not be able to access eBooks, eJournals, and Databases until they have been assigned login credentials from the IT department.

Students should email if they have questions about the Library.

Electronic Resources Login Portal

The Library’s Electronic Resources Login Portal (ERLP) is the ‘doorway’ for students to gain access to our eBooks, eJournals, and website.

Students should email the IT department in Colorado at for assistance accessing the Electronic Resources Login Portal.

A-Z Databases

The A-Z Databases webpage is the starting point for students to gain access to all of the websites (i.e. databases) that are available to them through the Library.

Required and Recommended Textbooks

The Required and Recommended Textbooks webpage is the easiest method for students to locate course textbooks that are available electronically (i.e. eBooks) or in print. Currently, the Library has 65% of required and recommended textbooks as eBooks.

Exam Prep

The Exam Prep webpage is a ‘one-stop shop’ for students to find extra exam prep resources from the Library.

The Library team will provide brief instruction sessions on accessing online/interactive question banks shortly. Be on the lookout for a calendar invite.

Anatomical Models

The Anatomical Models webpage is the perfect starting point for students to discover the Library’s collection of physical models.

Accessing Articles at RVU

The Library provides students access to full-text PDF articles from a multitude of websites. In addition, students can request that the Library purchase articles on their behalf.

Library Room Reservation

Students who want to reserve a study room in the Library can go directly to the Library’s homepage.