October 2, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

October 2, 2020

October 2, 2020 | CRT Update

Dear RVU Family,

October brings cooler weather, beautiful fall foliage, pumpkins and also the start of flu season. If you have not yet received your influenza vaccine, please schedule it as soon as you can. Let’s be vigilant in mitigating all risks in preventing all communicable infections by getting vaccinated and continue observing social distancing and wearing our masks this fall and winter.


Updates and reminders for this week are as follows:

  • New Contact Tracing Cases. We have had two more positive cases since our last email; both were clinical year students in CO.
  • Self-serve printers are now available for student use.  To learn how, please go to this link and carefully follow the instructions.  All students are allocated $250 in printing funds.  If you are a 2nd year student and have paid for additional funds, your account balance will reflect your ending balance as of 6/30/20 plus $250.
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Our HR Department has launched an improved employee benefit program. This program provides access to significant resources and is in support of RVU and CRT guiding principles to further the well-being, health and safety of our employees and their families. While the managers will be providing additional information during the next couple weeks, please know that the service is available now and is available for your use.
    • Eligibility: All full time and part time (.50 FTE and above) employees (residents will stay on Lincolns EAP)
    • Who’s Covered: Immediate Family and Children up to age 26. However, until December 31, 2020 all children are covered
    • To Learn More: See attached 1-page Summary document and view this 5-minute orientation video.
    • To Start: Call 1-800-252-4555 or go to and create a username and password.
  • MYTH: There is a chance I can get the flu from the flu shot.

Fact: You cannot get infected with the influenza virus because the flu shot consists of inactivated (ie. killed, dead) viruses to induce an immune response.

  • 4th Year Student’s Personal Message. Charles Litch, OMS-IV wrote an impassioned email to the CRT last week. Your SGA Presidents on the CRT found it very impactful and thought his message should be readily shared. Charles now shares his personal message with all RVU students. Please click here to read.

Be smart, stay safe, be well and have a wonderful weekend.


Professionally yours,

COVID-19 Response Team




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