June 12, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

June 12, 2020
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June 12, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

Dear RVU Family,

Hopefully everyone had the opportunity to attend or view the CRT Town Hall presentation on Monday to learn about our Reintegration Plan. This week we transitioned from Phase ORANGE (High Risk) to Phase Yellow (Elevated Risk). Here are a few items to keep in mind as we start our reintegration process:

  • The State of States: New COVID-19 cases continues to fluctuate and is now in a slightly downward trend in Colorado. However, this may go up to the recent protest gatherings. Utah cases are spiking, with Southern Utah setting a new record for the highest number of COVID-19 cases in a day.
  • Student Representation: To be inclusive and transparent with our students, the CRT has invited the SGA President from each campus to attend our CRT meetings once a week to represent our students’ collective voice. Their first meeting is on Monday and we are excited to have them join us.
  • Preparing to Transition Back to Campus: For the new Approved Employees returning to campus, please be mindful of the screening process that is in place to ensure the safety of our community. The steps needed to be taken are as follows:
    • Complete the online screening and attestation form. This can be done anytime within a 24- hour window; however, it is recommended that the form be completed the night before coming to campus. This instructional video demonstrates how to fill out the form using your cell phone.
    • Observe social distancing while waiting to be cleared by the front desk safety officer.
    • The safety officer will take your temperature as part of our on-site screening process. Please remember to be patient during the check-in process. This is new for everyone and we all have to work together to safely reintegrate our everyone back on campus. A guide containing information for employees and managers will be posted on the COVID webpage early next week.
  • Myth Buster Fact: Recent studies reveal that hydroxychloroquine has no positive effect in mortality rates in the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. The use of hydroxychloroquine in these patients resulted in increased adverse effects and actually seems to cause more harm than good. There is still no evidence on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in the prevention of COVID-19. According to, there over 200 Covid-19 trials with hydroxychloroquine, 60 of which focus on prevention. We are still awaiting to see more research results.
  • Congratulations  Best wishes to all of our students on their summer break and congratulations on finishing up this unique and challenging academic year; definitely one for the history books.

Please remember that while we have progressed to Phase YELLOW, we have moved from a “high risk” to an “elevated risk”, which means there is still risk. Please continue to remain vigilant and stay healthy! Thank you always for all that you do and let us continue to remain RVU Strong together!


The COVID-19 Response Team



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