RVU Scholarships
The University offers several scholarships to incoming students. Scholarship information and applications are available annually, and applications will be available beginning in April and will close in May during the spring prior to matriculation. Scholarship applicants must complete an application and supply all required supporting documentation for each scholarship they are applying for by the deadline. Information on how to apply for these scholarships will be sent to Accepted students when the scholarship application cycle opens. Scholarship funds are to be applied to tuition, other direct costs including student health insurance and other fees, books, supplies, and exam fees as listed on the Cost of Attendance at the institution’s discretion.
2025 Scholarship Coming Soon…
External Scholarships
Federal, state, and local scholarship programs may be available for qualified students.
- Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP): The Military Health Professions Scholarship Program is offered through the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force. This scholarship program helps cover direct educational costs and provides a monthly stipend to each recipient. In return, there is a service commitment of one year of active-duty service for each year of participation in the program, with a minimum commitment of three years.
- National Health Services Corp Programs: The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) offers a scholarship to students interested in pursuing a career as a primary care physician. This scholarship program covers tuition, fees, other reasonable educational costs, and provides a monthly living stipend. In return, the recipient must serve one year for each year of support at an approved site after completing a primary care residency. There is a minimum commitment of two years.
- WICHE/PSEP: Through the Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP), students pursuing a career in osteopathic medicine may enroll in participating programs across state lines and receive substantial tuition support from their home state or territory. Rocky Vista University accepts students for this program whose permanent residence is within one of the 3 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) participating states. The states that participate in the WICHE Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) for RVU are Arizona, Montana, and Wyoming.
- Indian Health Services Scholarship: American Indians or Alaska Natives can receive assistance in return for a service commitment after graduation.
- Alabama Osteopathic Medical Association: The ALOMA will award one scholarship annually for up to $5000. Applicants should be from Alabama and must indicate in writing their intention to practice medicine in Alabama following completion of their residency training. Applicants must have successfully completed their first year of training and be in good standing with an AOA-accredited medical school.
- American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine:
- AACOMAS Application Fee Waiver: AACOM encourages financially disadvantaged applicants to become DOs. A limited number of fee waivers are available to those who apply early and qualify. Fee waiver requests must be received and processed prior to submitting an AACOMAS application.
- Sherry R. Arnstein Scholarship: Each year AACOM awards a financial scholarship to at least two osteopathic medical students, of which at least one is a newly accepted student and one a continuing student. This scholarship is named after former AACOM Executive Director Sherry R. Arnstein.
- American Association of University Women: Since 1888, AAUW has been one of the largest funders of women’s graduate education, investing in women who go on to change the world.
- American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians: Since 1986 the ACOFP Foundation has championed comprehensive osteopathic family medicine to increase access to health care for all.
- American Medical Association Foundation Physicians of Tomorrow Scholarship Program: The Physicians of Tomorrow scholarship program distributes $10,000 in tuition assistance scholarships to medical students approaching their final year of school.
- American Medical Women’s Association: AMWA offers travel awards, grants and tuition need-based scholarships.
- American Osteopathic Foundation: The American Osteopathic Foundation offers a variety of educational scholarships and awards, special project and program funding, and research grants for members of the Osteopathic profession.
- Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. Medical Scholarship Program: This scholarship, established in 2014, is part of the law firm’s initiative to recognize medical school students who do outstanding work in their community.
- Christian Medical and Dental Associations: Scholarships are available to assist with the tuition of medical students who are committed to a career in foreign or domestic medical missions.
- Colorado Medical Society Education Foundation: The Colorado Medical Society Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) private foundation, was founded in 1982 to support educational activities in Colorado. Two scholarships are offered for medical students.
- Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation: Ensuring the future of Osteopathic Medicine in Colorado begins by supporting today’s Osteopathic medical students. The Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation is proud to award up to five $10,000 scholarships to students entering their third year at an AOA accredited College of Osteopathic Medicine. These scholarships are renewed automatically for $10,000 each for the fourth year as long as the students are in good standing with their College of Osteopathic Medicine. Scholarships are for tuition. In addition, the Walter S. Strode, D.O. Memorial Scholarship has been established.
- Denver Osteopathic Foundation: The Denver Osteopathic Foundation offers medical school scholarships to eligible and deserving students committed to osteopathic medicine supporting our mission to advance postgraduate osteopathic medical education.
- Indiana Osteopathic Association: The Motyka Dannin Osteopathic Educational Foundation, Inc. (Motyka Dannin Foundation) was formed at the initiative of the Indiana Osteopathic Association (IOA) to raise and distribute funds primary in support of osteopathic medicine. Scholarships are provided in the form of forgivable loans.
- Kansas Osteopathic Medical Service Scholarship: Designed to encourage primary care physicians to establish practices in rural areas of Kansas. Recipients receive $41,000 per year for up to four years of study at nationally accredited osteopathic schools. Preference goes to first-year students. Recipients return one year of practice for each year of assistance.
- Maine Osteopathic Association Scholarship: Awards of $1,000 each will be designated to successful applicant(s) who are a resident of Maine and able to present proof of enrollment at an approved osteopathic college.
- National Hispanic Health Foundation: The NHHF offers scholarships aligning with their mission.
- National Medical Fellowship: Since its inception, National Medical Fellowships’ scholarships and awards have been at the core of its programming. NMF scholarship programs recognize merit as well as financial need. Over the years, funding for scholarships has come from hundreds of foundations and from individuals.
- Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation: Students enrolled in a COCA-accredited school who will be OMS II, OMS III, or OMS IV are eligible to apply. No scholarships are provided to first-year students. Applicants must be osteopathic medical school students in their second, third, or fourth year when they receive the scholarship. Student applicants must demonstrate commitment to practicing medicine in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and/or Washington State; or the Northwest in general.
- Oklahoma Educational Foundation for Osteopathic Medicine: Oklahoma osteopathic medical students need and deserve financial help and incentives to maximize their potential for serving Oklahoma’s medical needs. The OEFOM Student Scholarship Program will encourage students to anticipate working in an osteopathic medical practice in Oklahoma and help ensure available physician services in the future.
- Osteopathic Medical Foundation of Michiana: OMF of Michiana provides financial assistance via forgivable loans for students in years 1–4 at one of our nation’s accredited osteopathic medical schools. These loans — three are typically disbursed each year — are to be forgiven if the student practices in the Michiana area (northwestern Indiana/southwestern Michigan) following completion of his or her training.
- Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans: The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans provides merit-based funding for New Americans, immigrants and children of immigrants, who are poised to make significant contributions to US culture, society and academia.
- Rural Health Association of Utah: To support rural students and help build our future healthcare workforce, RHAU is pleased to offer annual scholarships to students from rural Utah who are actively pursuing healthcare careers.
- Student Osteopathic Medical Association: The Student Osteopathic Medical Association Foundation (SOMAF) is a student managed, non-profit organization specializing in providing scholarships for current Osteopathic medical students who are members of National SOMA.
- Utah Medical Student Scholarship: The UMA Foundation offers limited scholarships to medical students who are currently attending medical school in Utah. Limited scholarships are given to students who are members of the Utah Medical Association that submit an application and an essay about the importance of joining organized medicine and more specifically the Utah Medical Association.