Dr. Hall grew up in the mountains of Arizona and Idaho. He obtained his medical degree from University of Arizona College of Medicine. He completed a family medicine residency at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center.
After spending a decade in Utah Valley, he and his family decided to have some adventures and try to do some good in the world. They moved to rural Mississippi, rural Alaska, and rural Nevada, spending a few years at each location. During that time, he worked as an outpatient clinician, pediatric hospitalist, adult hospitalist, and in nursing home and hospice settings. His particular areas of interest are end-of-life issues, renovating the current US mental health paradigm, underserved populations, and highly complex patients. He focuses particularly on patients with personality disorders, complex trauma, and compulsive behavior.
Dr. Hall has said throughout his career that he intended to be a teacher when he finally grew up. He precepted numerous residents and students in clinical settings. He decided to join Rocky Vista University full time after noticing that the RVU medical students rotating through his hospitalist service were consistently a cut above the other medical students he had precepted over the years.
He had the wonderful opportunity of leading a team of first-responder physicians to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. While there, he discovered that the medical school had been completely destroyed. He spearheaded a program to link Haitian medical students with foreign doctors. This program allowed the students to help their compatriots and gain an unprecedented amount of clinical experience, rather than putting their education on hiatus while the school rebuilt and restructured.
Dr Hall loves family most of all, but he also enjoys working with his hands, anything to do with horses, fixing stuff, trail running, getting lost in Alaska, and food tourism. He speaks fluent French and is working on his Spanish.