Rocky Vista University Directory

| Directory | Academic Departments | Biomedical Sciences


Colorado/Utah Campus

Mark Payton, PhD

Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Andrea Anaya

Administrative Assistant

Boris Boyanovsky, MD, PhD

Assistant Dean of Preclinical Education
Professor of Neurology

Amanda Brooks, PhD

Vice Provost of Research and Scholarly Activity
Director of Physician-Scientist Track (Utah)

Benjamin Brooks, PhD

Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

John (Jack) Brozna, MD, PhD, MA

Associate Professor of Pathology

Qamrul G. Choudhury, PhD

Associate Professor of Physiology
Director of Religion, Health,
and Healthcare Elective

Bruce Ensign, MD

Assistant Professor of Pathology

Ricarda Hallstrand, PhD

Professor of Microbiology

Melissa Henderson, PhD

Vice Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Clyde Jensen, PhD, MS

Professor of Pharmacology
Director of Academic Medicine and Leadership Track (Utah)
Director of Integrative Medical Nutrition Elective

Leon Kelly

Assistant Professor Pathology

Rachel M.A. Linger, PhD

Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Co-Director of Integrative Pain Management Elective

Matthew McEchron, PhD

Associate Dean of Preclinical Curriculum and Assessment
Professor of Neuroscience
Co-Director Academic Medicine & Leadership Track (Colorado)

Nicole Michels, PhD

Chair, Department of Medical Humanities
Associate Professor of Physiology

Terri McNair

Administrative Assistant

Jennifer Montemayor, PhD

Assistant Dean of Preclinical Curriculum Management
Professor of Physiology

Vickie Roettger, PhD

Associate Professor of Physiology
Co-Director of Global Medicine Track (Colorado)

Rebecca Ryznar, PhD

Associate Professor of Molecular Biology
Director of Physician-Scientist Track

Jilla Sabeti

Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Inder Sehgal, DVM, PhD, CPhT

Professor of Pharmacology

James Small, MD, PhD, FCAP

Professor of Pathology and Microbiology
Director of Clinical Career Advising

Janée Terwoord, PhD

Assistant MSBS Program Director (Utah)
Assistant Professor of Physiology

Leslie Torgerson

Assistant Professor of Pathology

Francina Towne, PhD

Program Director of MSBS Program
Associate Professor of Immunology

Isain Zapata, PhD

Assistant Director of Office of Research and Scholarly Activity (Colorado Campus)
Assistant Professor of Research and Statistics
Director of Introduction to Research Elective

Qing Zhong, MD, PhD

Professor of Pharmacology

Montana Campus

Arthur Coulton, PhD

Associate Professor of Physiology

Brett Condon, PhD

Assistant Professor of Physiology

Jane Harrington, PhD

Associate Professor Microbiology/Immunology

Laurie Hege

Administrative Assistant

Paulina Ross

Anatomy Lab Coordinator

Ryan Stapley, PhD

Assistant Professor of Anatomy

Kris Vaudrey

Post-doctoral Anatomy Fellow

Jacquelyn Waller, PharmD, BCPS

Director of Preclinical Education
Assistant Program Director MMS
Associate Professor of Pharmacology

W. Michael Zawada, Phd

Chair of Department of Biomedical Sciences (MCOM)