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Rocky Vista University sidewalk flag

Campus Safety and Security

Campus Information

The Department of Campus Safety and Security is here to serve the students, faculty, and employees at RVU. The Department conducts proactive patrols, safety escorts, investigations, crime prevention programs, and many other duties. The department utilizes CCTV surveillance cameras, has an access-controlled facility, advanced fire control system, and the RAVE mass notification system. We also work closely with local police and fire departments.

Please choose your campus below for access to your campus safety and security.

Students walking outdoors on campus

Campus Safety and Security has several ways to ensure that the campus community remains a safe and secure learning environment, including CCTV surveillance cameras, an access-controlled facility, advanced fire control system, Alertus and RAVE Emergency Notification systems in Colorado and RAVE system in Utah, as well as officer patrols and escorts. The Security team is committed to providing safety and security services in a professional and consistent manner. RVU strives to provide these services with integrity, timely communication, and problem-solving. The Security Department serves 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The department provide patrols, escorts, investigations, crime prevention, and many other services. Students, staff, or faculty who witness a crime, accident, emergency, or suspicious person should promptly call the Security Department at (720) 875-2892 in Colorado or 911. The Security Department should be informed of any 911 calls so assistance can be provided to the local law enforcement or fire personnel. 

Students, staff, and faculty will receive emergency notifications, including campus closures and weather delays via SMS text messages and email notifications. In the event a Timely Warning Notice is issued, the campus community will be notified as soon as possible through our Emergency Notification Systems in the form of SMS text messages, email, Alertus audible announcement beacons, and/or bull horn/public address system. Students, staff, and faculty will receive a text message notification of RVU campus closures or emergencies.

If you see a crime, accident, emergency or suspicious person, promptly call (720) 875-2892. If a matter needs attention from the local police or fire department, a security officer will call either the Parker Police Department or the South Metro Fire and Rescue Department. You may call 911 if it is a life-threatening emergency, then notify the Security Department so assistance can be provided to law enforcement. Victims and/or witnesses can report crimes on a confidential basis through the help/tip hotline (303) 708-8185.

For more information, review the Rocky Vista University Annual Security Report.

To view the daily crime log, please visit the Security Department.

Information for Students and Employees

Campus Safety

RVU Security has several ways to ensure that our campus community remains a safe and secure learning environment, including CCTV surveillance cameras, an access-controlled facility, advanced fire control system, Alertus Emergency Notification system, and officer patrols and escorts. We also work closely with local police and fire departments.

The Rocky Vista University Department of Campus Safety and Security is committed to providing safety and security services in a professional and consistent manner. RVU strives to provide these services with integrity, timely communication, and problem solving.

Students, staff and faculty, if you would like to receive a text message notification of future RVU campus closures or emergencies, please contact the RVU Information Service Department and opt in by providing a cell phone number and service provider.

Please see the RVU Emergency Response and Communications Plan (PDF) for more detailed information.

Services for Students and Employees

  • ID Cards – Get your Student or employee ID card at the Security office. Bring Photo I.D (driver’s license) and the officer will replace an existing badge at no charge. A Student ID Card is required to be visible at all times. You also need it for the Library printer and admittance to college activities.
  • Parking Permits – Any motor vehicle parked on the RVU Campus parking lots must display a valid parking permit or pass. Bring a copy of your current Registration and Driver’s license to the Security office. Parking Permit Forms are available at the security office or download the Parking Permit Form (PDF).
  • Safety Escort Service – When walking on campus during the evening hours, you are encouraged to walk with another person and use well-lighted and well-traveled routes. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or a safety escort if a situation makes you feel afraid or threatened. Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is a legitimate reason for contacting the Security Department.
  • Motorist Assistance – The Security Department offers jump-starts for dead batteries and will help change a flat tire. The Security Department can also assist you in calling “AAA” or a local tow truck service. The Security Department is not allowed to assist in unlocking your vehicle if you lock your keys inside your car.
  • Lost and Found – Service is maintained in the Security office. Items turned in are kept for 180 days. Check with our office often if you have lost something. Proper identification on your valuables helps officers return your property to you faster. For assistance, call or stop by the security office.

Bicycle Parking

  • Bicycles on Campus – It is encouraged to use your bike as a means of alternative transportation.
  • Please comply with the State bicycle laws.
  • Use the racks to park your bike.
  • Parked bicycles that create safety hazards may be impounded.
  • Do not lock your bike to a tree, shrub or building.
  • Bicycles are not permitted in campus buildings.
  • Please use a bicycle lock to secure your bike to the racks.

Parking Map

Students should plan to utilize student parking areas as usual. If all student parking areas are full, students may park in the faculty/staff/visitor lot on the North side of the building. If all on-campus lots are full and should overflow parking be necessary at any point in the future – you are permitted to park along the curb of Grasslands Dr. from the intersection with Prairie Trail Drive all the way west to Upland Dr.

Please be mindful and do not park within 15’ of intersections, driveways, or fire hydrants as the curbs on Grasslands have not yet been marked.

If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to parking, please contact [email protected]. More information regarding our overflow parking plans will be made available by email, on our web-site, and through other communication channels in the future.

Emergency Response and Evacuation

The basic Emergency Response Plan outlined is to protect lives and property through effective use of campus community resources. Whenever a situation or an emergency affecting the campus reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine procedures, the Emergency Response Plan shall be implemented. For more information, review the Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan under the “Information for Students and Employees” tab.

For more information, review the Colorado Emergency Response and Communications Plan.

Timely Warning / Alertus / RAVE

Emergency Notification System to Enhance Emergency Preparedness

The safety of students, faculty, and staff is a constant priority at RVU. The ability to quickly provide notice, accurate information, and instructions with minimum delay during a situation is crucial. To accomplish this, RVU has selected the Alertus and RAVE Emergency Notification Systems, a multi-modal communication service that allows RVU campus leaders and security personnel to deliver time-sensitive notifications to our students, faculty, and staff during unforeseen events or emergencies.

These systems complement our existing campus emergency response plans, which are continuously updated to be responsive to both man-made and natural disasters. University and campus leaders have integrated our computer systems with the Alertus and RAVE systems. These systems are only used during emergencies (and for related tests).

In the event that a crime or emergency occurs on campus, Security will post a “Timely Notice” bulletin in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.

Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Assault

Please refer to the Office of Compliance and Quality Assurance page for information about RVU’s Title IX policy, as well as information about sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. There is also information on that page about how to report a crime.

Protect Yourself

  • Avoid people who don’t allow you to make your own decisions and those who give you the feeling that you “owe them” something.
  • Be very explicit with dates about how intimate you expect the relationship to be.
  • Do not assume that a person will know that you are comfortable with “going so far” and no further.
  • Don’t drink beverages that you did not open yourself.
  • Don’t exchange or share drinks with anyone.
  • Don’t drink from a container that is being passed around.
  • If someone offers you a drink at a bar or club, accompany the person to the bar, watch the drink being poured, and carry the drink yourself.
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended while using the restroom or making a phone call. If you realize you have left it unattended, throw the drink away.
  • Don’t mix drugs and alcohol.

If you have been sexually assaulted, it’s never too late to get help.

  • Go to a safe place.
  • Call someone.
  • Do not bathe, wash hands, or clean fingernails. It is important that victims preserve evidence that may be necessary to prove criminal sexual assault.
  • Do not remove clothing worn during or following the assault as these frequently contain valuable fiber, hair, and fluid evidence.
  • Do not apply or take any medication.
  • Get medical attention as soon as possible.
  • When you get to the hospital, tell the triage staff you have been sexually assaulted.

If the assault happened some time ago:

  • Seek counseling.
  • Seek medical attention for treatment of injuries or symptoms related to the assault.
  • Consider reporting the incident to the police.
  • Pursue the campus judicial process.
  • Pursue academic or administrative assistance.
  • Access other community support resources.

Coping with Sexual Assault
Victims of sexual assault may find it helpful to discuss their experience with a counselor. Victim advocates and counselors are available to meet with victims in an informal and private setting. Referrals for these services are available through the Student Affairs office. The Student Affairs Office and the Security Department may also be able to assist in changing a student’s academic situation, by serving as a source of referral to outside agencies, and by providing information about on- and off-campus reporting, prosecution procedures, and the college disciplinary process.

College Response to a Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a criminal act which subjects the perpetrator to criminal and civil penalties in state and federal courts. In addition, Rocky Vista University will respond administratively if a sexual assault or other criminal offense involves a student or employee as the offender. Students and employees are subject to applicable laws, college policies, and disciplinary procedures, including policies prohibiting sexual harassment.

Possible Sanctions Against Offenders
Victims may begin a disciplinary action by reporting the incident to the Security Department or to the Student Affairs office. A written statement detailing the incident may be requested. The accuser and accused are entitled to have others present during a disciplinary hearing. In the case of sexual assault, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome. In addition to any criminal sanctions, a sexual assault perpetrator is subject to appropriate employee or student disciplinary sanctions.

  • Faculty and staff: the range of employment penalties include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: counseling, reprimand, suspension, or termination of employment.
  • Students: Students who violate federal, state, or local laws are subject to criminal charges. In addition, the perpetrator may be subject to disciplinary actions as set forth in the student code of conduct. The ranges of sanctions for violations of the code of conduct include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: suspension, expulsion, alteration of class schedule, probation, loss of privileges, or a warning.

Rights of the Victim
A person who reports having been sexually assaulted has the right to:

  • Request a female or male officer to take the report.
  • Have their identity protected, consistent with legal requirements.
  • Be treated professionally and with sensitivity, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation of the victim or the perpetrator.
  • Assistance with medical treatment, counseling, and other resources, including transportation to a hospital, if desired.
  • Be informed of the outcome of a police investigation.
  • Request an alternative academic or employment situation, if such an alternative is available.
  • Have all questions answered fully.
  • Upon request, the College will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or a non forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the College against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the College will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim’s next of kin, if so requested.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

The University encourages all individuals to report possible sexual misconduct that they suffer or observe, and requires responsible employees of the University to do so, using one of the investigative resources described below.

The purpose of these investigation procedures is to provide prompt and equitable processes for addressing and investigating incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly committed against students and employees. A lengthy period of time between an alleged occurrence and an investigation may make fact-finding more difficult; therefore, individuals are encouraged to raise concerns and complaints as soon as possible.

The University provides three different procedures, described below, for investigating and adjudicating Requests for Investigation of sexual misconduct allegedly committed by students. The first two options address Requests for Investigation alleging misconduct other than sexual violence: An Informal Conciliation Process and a Formal Investigation Process, and a third process is available only for Sexual Violence Requests for Investigation: The Sexual Violence Response Process.

If you are unsure about the appropriate process for a Request for Investigation or unsure whether to file a Request for Investigation, please contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481 or [email protected] for an initial meeting, wherein the Title IX Coordinator will discuss the options and answer any questions.

The University highly recommends that the Reporting Party of sexual violence seek immediate medical attention after the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will provide, if needed, referrals to a medical professional.

In addition, please notify the RVU Campus Safety and Security Department, as well as the police jurisdiction where the assault occurred or 911.

For those who are victims of sexual assault, it is important to get immediate medical attention, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. A physical examination will help to assure that any injuries will be identified and treated and that victims receive important information about the risks for sexually transmitted disease.

An examination does not obligate a victim to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be obtained and preserved in the event a criminal investigation is authorized at a later time. Victims should not bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes before the examination. Individuals are also encouraged to seek counseling. Support by a trained counselor can help the individual understand and work through the trauma of the incident. Counselors can also help others who are close to the individual.

Explanation of Victim Rights (PDF)

RVU Notice of Complainants Rights (Word)

Victim Assistance

Crime victims can get help by contacting the Victim Services Unit in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. They have trained personnel available to confidentially discuss incidents. They help victims decide on reporting options, make referrals to appropriate support services, and offer victim support services.

The RVU Campus is serviced by the Parker Police Department Victim Services Unit. You may contact the Victim Services Unit at 303-841-9800 or, as well as the Douglas County Victim Services at 303.660.7535 or

Crisis Counselor

Rocky Vista University provides a list of referrals for crisis counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs through the community. A list of referrals is available in the Student Affairs office. Pastoral and professional counselors, at their discretion, are encouraged to inform those they counsel of the procedure for reporting crimes voluntarily and confidentially to the Parker Police Department or any “campus security authority” for inclusion in the annual crime statistics.

Sex Offender Policy

Information concerning persons who are required by Colorado law to register as sex offenders may be obtained from the Parker Police Department’s Records Division, or the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department’s Records Division. The Colorado Convicted Sex Offender Website is

Resources for Students and Employees

Click here for the procedures the university will follow when incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are reported. (PDF)

On-Campus Resources

  • RVU Health Center
    (720) 875-2880
  • RVU Campus Safety & Security
    (720) 875-2892
  • Ms. Laura Dement, Title IX Coordinator; office PR-104
    (720) 874-2481
  • Zeerak Haider, Director of Student Life; office FF-02
    (720) 874-2471

Off-Campus Resources

  • Parker Police Department
    18600 E. Lincoln Meadows Pkwy. Parker, CO 80134
    (303) 841-9800
  • South Metro Fire Rescue Authority
    9195 E. Mineral Ave. Centennial, CO 80112
    (720) 989-2000
  • Parker Adventist Hospital
    9395 Crown Crest Blvd. Parker, CO 80138
    (303) 269-4000
  • Medical Center of Aurora
    1501 S. Potomac St. Aurora, CO 80012
    (303) 695-2600
  • Denver Safe House
    1649 Downing St. Denver, CO 80218
    (303) 318-9989
  • Women’s Crisis & Family Outreach Center
    Castle Rock, CO
    (303) 688-8484 (24 hours)
  • Rape Assistance & Awareness Program
    1120 Lincoln St. Suite 700 Denver, CO 80203
    (303) 322-7273 (English)
    (303) 329-0031 (Spanish)
  • Douglas County Sheriffs
    4000 Justice Way, Castle Rock, CO 80109
    (303) 660-7500
  • Douglas County Court
    4000 Justice Way, Castle Rock, CO 80109
    (303) 663-7200

Other resources available:

Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Colorado LGBTQ anti-violence program

Colorado male survivors of abuse

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Department of Justice

Clery Act and Title IX Policies

Rocky Vista University shares many of the same interests and problems as other colleges and communities, including a concern about crime. The University has been fortunate not to have experienced a significant number of crimes, but one should not be misled into thinking the campus is crime-free. There is always the possibility of a criminal act occurring against a member of the RVU community despite the best efforts of the Safety and Security Department and the administrative staff. A truly safe campus can only be achieved through shared responsibility of all members of the RVU community.

The University is committed to maintaining a safe environment to support a healthy, learning-centered campus. This commitment includes making necessary physical improvements that promote safety and well-being; the revision and updating of policies, procedures, and rules; and an obligation to hold accountable those who choose to commit crimes or violate rules and regulations.

Every student, faculty, staff member, and visitor has an individual responsibility to be aware of their personal safety, to properly utilize college resources, to make positive choices, and to use common sense. Crimes, violations, hate crimes, suspicious persons or activity, and safety issues should be reported upon discovery through the appropriate channels as described in this Handbook. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures and the important information on the website. Updates, timely warnings, and important information regarding safety on campus will be communicated by emails, fliers, TV monitors, and other presentations.

RVU Title IX, Sexual Misconduct, and Non-Discrimination Policies

Firearms and Drug Policy

Firearm Policy

Possessing unauthorized firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and/or other dangerous weapons or instruments resembling them, which may cause fear/alarm in or harass another person within or upon the grounds, buildings, or other facilities of RVU or at any RVU-sponsored or supervised function or event is prohibited.

Any person(s) in violation of this regulation shall be subject to University disciplinary action and/or criminal charges. An exception is granted only for city, state, or federal law enforcement officers.

Firearm Policy (PDF)

Alcohol-and Drug-Free Policy

RVU is an alcohol and drug free campus, with the exception of special events that is approved by the President or Dean of RVU. As set forth in local, state, and Federal laws, and the rules and regulations of the College, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on campus-controlled property is strictly prohibited. All drug and alcohol laws are vigorously enforced.

Rocky Vista University policy prohibits the sale, manufacture, distribution, use or possession of illegal drugs on the College campus. This policy applies to faculty, staff and students.

Drugs & Alcohol Policy (PDF)

Disciplinary Sanctions

Through disciplinary procedures, the College will impose sanctions upon students and employees, who unlawfully use, possess, sell or distribute drugs or unlawfully use or abuse alcohol on college property, or as part of any College employment or activity. Depending on the circumstances, these sanctions may range from a warning to a maximum of expulsion or termination of employment. Students and employees who violate the College’s regulations are also subject to referral by the Security Department to the local law enforcement for investigation and possible criminal prosecution.

Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Counseling Programs

24 Hour National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information Center

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Referral Services
Mental Health America: 719-633-4604

Broader Horizons Counseling Services
5524 E. Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80220

The Colorado Center for Clinical Excellence
1720 S. Bellaire St # 204
Denver, CO 80222

Colorado Physician Health Program
899 Logan Street, Suite 410
Denver, CO 80203

Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities

Centus Counseling Consulting and Education
2696 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite 380
Denver, CO 80222

Drug Abuse Information & Treatment
Broader Horizons Counseling Services
5524 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80220
(303) 975-6696

Community Alcohol/Drug Rehab
3315 Gilpin Street
Denver, CO 80205
(303) 295-2521

Behavior Services Institute
1725 High Street, Suite 3
Denver, CO 80218
(303) 831-4500

Free Rehab Centers Database

Security Awareness and Crime Prevention Programs

Here are the programs the Safety and Security team implement in order to maintain a safe campus:

  • Bystander Intervention Program
  • Mandatory Title IX Awareness Training for all Students and Employees
  • Violence Education and Prevention (VEP)
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
  • Campus Safety Resources Guide
  • Instructions for obtaining Protection Orders
  • Explanation of Victims’ Rights and Resources (DV, SA, S)
  • RVU Procedures to Reports of DV, SA, S
  • Rights for Crime Victims
  • Annual Security Report
  • Resources Available: Sexual Assault, DV, Violence, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, ID Theft and Prevention, Wildlife
  • Escorts
  • Evidence Preservation
  • Evidence Preservation for Victims’ of SA, DV
  • Crime Prevention (safe walk, silent witness)

For more information or to obtain literature on any of these programs, please contact Security.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace of 1988 require all schools and institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees on University property or as part of any University activities.

The annual notification and the Biennial Review, which are part of Rocky Vista University’s program adopted to comply with these Acts, are required by law. In compliance with the law, the policy can be found in the University Catalog/Handbook, as well as the Employee Handbook.

Colorado Drug and Alcohol Assistance Resource Links
Find Englewood, Colorado AA Meetings Near You |

Students walking outside at Utah Campus.

Campus Safety and Security has several ways to ensure that the campus community remains a safe and secure learning environment, including CCTV surveillance cameras, an access-controlled facility, advanced fire control system, Alertus and RAVE Emergency Notification systems in Colorado and RAVE system in Utah, as well as officer patrols and escorts. The Security team is committed to providing safety and security services in a professional and consistent manner. RVU strives to provide these services with integrity, timely communication, and problem-solving. The Security Department serves 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They provide patrols, escorts, investigations, crime prevention, and many other services. Students, staff, or faculty who witness a crime, accident, emergency, or suspicious person should promptly call the Security Department at (435) 222-1300 in Utah or 911. The Security Department should be informed of any 911 calls so assistance can be provided to the local law enforcement or fire personnel. 

Students, staff, and faculty will receive emergency notifications, including campus closures and weather delays via SMS text messages and email notifications. In the event a Timely Warning Notice is issued, the campus community will be notified as soon as possible through our Emergency Notification Systems in the form of SMS text messages, email, Alertus audible announcement beacons, and/or bull horn/public address system. Students, staff, and faculty will receive a text message notification of RVU campus closures or emergencies.

If you see a crime, accident, emergency, or suspicious person, promptly call (435) 222-1300. If a matter needs attention from the local police or fire department, a security officer will call either the Santa Clara/Ivins Police Department or the Santa Clara/Ivins Fire Department. You may call 911 if it is a life-threatening emergency, then notify Security so assistance can be provided to law enforcement. Victims and/or witnesses can report crimes on a confidential basis through the anonymous tip hotline (435) 222-1313.

For more information, review the Rocky Vista University Annual Security Report.

To view the daily crime log, please visit the Security Department.

Information for Students and Employees

Campus Safety

RVU Security has several ways to ensure that our campus community remains a safe and secure learning environment, including CCTV surveillance cameras, an access-controlled facility, advanced fire control system, RAVE Emergency Notification System, and officer patrols and escorts. We also work closely with local police and fire departments.

The Rocky Vista University Department of Campus Safety and Security is committed to providing safety and security services in a professional and consistent manner. RVU strives to provide these services with integrity, timely communication, and problem-solving.

Students, staff and faculty, if you would like to receive a text message notification of future RVU campus closures or emergencies, please contact the RVU Information Service Department and opt in, providing a cell phone number and service provider.

Please see the RVUCOM-UT Emergency Response and Communication Plan (PDF) for more detailed information.

Campus Safety & Security Information

Printed information and communication about sexual misconduct and assault awareness, prevention, and reporting is made available to students and staff outside of the Office of Campus Safety and Security, at the security front desk, and electronically on television monitors around the campus.

Services for Students and Employees

  • ID Cards – Get your Student or employee ID card at the Security office. Bring Photo I.D (driver’s license) and the officer will replace an existing badge at no charge. ID Card’s are required to be visible at all times. You also need it for the Library printer and admittance to college activities.
  • Parking Permits – Any motor vehicle parked on the RVU Campus parking lots must display a valid parking permit or pass. Parking Permit forms are available at the front security desk or on the iNet. A parking map of the RVU campus can be found here.
  • Safety Escort Program – The Safety Escort Program is available to all students and staff at any time of the day or night. Contact any Campus Safety and Security Officer or call (435) 222-1300 for a safety escort on campus. Do not hesitate to ask for a safety escort if a situation makes you feel afraid or threatened. Any reason is a legitimate reason to request a safety escort.
  • Motorist Assistance – The Campus Safety and Security Department offers jump-starts for vehicles with dead batteries, help with changing a flat tire, or assist you in calling “AAA” or a local tow service. The Department is not allowed to assist in unlocking your vehicle for any reason.
  • Lost and Found – Collected or found items are maintained in the property room of the security office. Items turned in are kept for 180 days. Check with our office often if you have lost something. Proper identification on your valuables helps officers return your property to you faster. For assistance, call or stop by the security office

Bicycle Parking

  • Please comply with the State bicycle laws
  • Only use bike racks to park your bike
  • Parked bicycles that create safety hazards may be impounded
  • Bicycles are not permitted in campus buildings
  • It is recommended that a U-style lock with a cut key be used to secure your bike to the racks

Emergency Response and Evacuation

The basic Emergency Response Plan outlined is to protect lives and property through effective use of campus community resources. Whenever a situation or an emergency affecting the campus reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine procedures, the Emergency Response Plan shall be implemented.

For more information, review the RVUCOM-UT Emergency Response and Communication Plan

Emergency Notification System to Enhance Emergency Preparedness

The safety of students, faculty, and staff is a constant priority at RVU. The ability to quickly provide notice, accurate information, and instructions with minimum delay during a situation is crucial. To accomplish this, RVU has selected RAVE Emergency Notification System, a multi-modal communication service that allows RVU campus leaders and campus safety and security personnel to deliver time-sensitive notifications to our students, faculty, and staff during unforeseen events or emergencies.

These systems complement our existing campus emergency response plans, which are continuously updated to be responsive to both man-made and natural disasters. University and campus leaders have integrated our computer systems with the RAVE system. This system is only used during emergencies and related tests or drills.

In the event that a crime occurs on campus, the Department of Campus Safety and Security will post a “Timely Notice” alert in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.

RVUCOM-UT Mass Notification Policy (PDF)

RVU Active Shooter Training Exercise 2018:

RVU Exercise (YouTube Video)

Please Watch:  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Active Shooter Video

Run, Hide, Fight Video (Ctrl – Click)

Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Assault

Please refer to the Office of Compliance and Quality Assurance page for information about RVU’s Title IX policy, as well as information about sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. There is also information on that page about how to report a crime.

Protect Yourself

  • Avoid people who don’t allow you to make your own decisions and those who give you the feeling that you “owe them” something.
  • Be very explicit with dates about how intimate you expect the relationship to be.
  • Do not assume that a person will know that you are comfortable with “going so far” and no further.
  • Don’t drink beverages that you did not open yourself.
  • Don’t exchange or share drinks with anyone.
  • Don’t drink from a container that is being passed around.
  • If someone offers you a drink at a bar or club, accompany the person to the bar, watch the drink being poured, and carry the drink yourself.
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended while using the restroom or making a phone call. If you realize you have left it unattended, throw the drink away.
  • Don’t mix drugs and alcohol.

If you have been sexually assaulted, it’s never too late to get help.

  • Go to a safe place.
  • Call someone.
  • Do not bathe, wash hands, or clean fingernails. It is important that victims preserve evidence that may be necessary to prove criminal sexual assault.
  • Do not remove clothing worn during or following the assault as these frequently contain valuable fiber, hair, and fluid evidence.
  • Do not apply or take any medication.
  • Get medical attention as soon as possible.
  • When you get to the hospital, tell the triage staff you have been sexually assaulted.

If the assault happened some time ago:

  • Seek counseling.
  • Seek medical attention for treatment of injuries or symptoms related to the assault.
  • Consider reporting the incident to the police.
  • Pursue the campus judicial process.
  • Pursue academic or administrative assistance.
  • Access other community support resources.

Coping with Sexual Assault
Victims of sexual assault may find it helpful to discuss their experience with a counselor. Victim advocates and counselors are available to meet with victims in an informal and private setting. Referrals for these services are available through the Student Affairs office. The Student Affairs Office and the Security Department may also be able to assist in changing a student’s academic situation, by serving as a source of referral to outside agencies, and by providing information about on- and off-campus reporting, prosecution procedures, and the college disciplinary process.

College Response to a Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a criminal act which subjects the perpetrator to criminal and civil penalties in state and federal courts. In addition, Rocky Vista University will respond administratively if a sexual assault or other criminal offense involves a student or employee as the offender. Students and employees are subject to applicable laws, college policies, and disciplinary procedures, including policies prohibiting sexual harassment.

Possible Sanctions Against Offenders
Victims may begin a disciplinary action by reporting the incident to the Security Department or to the Student Affairs office. A written statement detailing the incident may be requested. The accuser and accused are entitled to have others present during a disciplinary hearing. In the case of sexual assault, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome. In addition to any criminal sanctions, a sexual assault perpetrator is subject to appropriate employee or student disciplinary sanctions.

  • Faculty and staff: the range of employment penalties include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: counseling, reprimand, suspension, or termination of employment.
  • Students: Students who violate federal, state, or local laws are subject to criminal charges. In addition, the perpetrator may be subject to disciplinary actions as set forth in the student code of conduct. The ranges of sanctions for violations of the code of conduct include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: suspension, expulsion, alteration of class schedule, probation, loss of privileges, or a warning.

Rights of the Victim
A person who reports having been sexually assaulted has the right to:

  • Request a female or male officer to take the report.
  • Have his/her identity protected, consistent with legal requirements.
  • Be treated professionally and with sensitivity, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation of the victim or the perpetrator.
  • Assistance with medical treatment, counseling, and other resources, including transportation to a hospital, if desired.
  • Be informed of the outcome of a police investigation.
  • Request an alternative academic or employment situation, if such an alternative is available.
  • Have all questions answered fully.
  • Upon request, the College will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or a non forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the College against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the College will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim’s next of kin, if so requested.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

The University encourages all individuals to report possible sexual misconduct that they suffer or observe, and requires responsible employees of the University to do so, using one of the investigative resources described below.

The purpose of these investigation procedures is to provide prompt and equitable processes for addressing and investigating incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly committed against students and employees. A lengthy period of time between an alleged occurrence and an investigation may make fact-finding more difficult; therefore, individuals are encouraged to raise concerns and complaints as soon as possible.

The University provides three different procedures, described below, for investigating and adjudicating Requests for Investigation of sexual misconduct allegedly committed by students. The first two options address Requests for Investigation alleging misconduct other than sexual violence: An Informal Conciliation Process and a Formal Investigation Process, and a third process is available only for Sexual Violence Requests for Investigation: The Sexual Violence Response Process.

If you are unsure about the appropriate process for a Request for Investigation or unsure whether to file a Request for Investigation, please contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481 or [email protected] for an initial meeting, wherein the Title IX Coordinator will discuss the options and answer any questions.

The University highly recommends that the Reporting Party of sexual violence seek immediate medical attention after the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will provide, if needed, referrals to a medical professional.

In addition, please notify the RVU Campus Safety and Security Department, as well as the police jurisdiction where the assault occurred or 911.

For those who are victims of sexual assault, it is important to get immediate medical attention, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. A physical examination will help to assure that any injuries will be identified and treated and that victims receive important information about the risks for sexually transmitted disease.

An examination does not obligate a victim to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be obtained and preserved in the event a criminal investigation is authorized at a later time. Victims should not bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes before the examination. Individuals are also encouraged to seek counseling. Support by a trained counselor can help the individual understand and work through the trauma of the incident. Counselors can also help others who are close to the individual.

Explanation of Victim Rights (PDF)

RVU Notice of Complainants Rights (Word)

Victim Assistance

Crime victims can get help by contacting the Victim Services Unit in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. They have trained personnel available to confidentially discuss incidents. They help victims decide on reporting options, make referrals to appropriate support services, and offer victim support services.

The RVU Campus is serviced by the St. George Police Department Victim Advocates. You may contact the Victim Advocate Unit at 435-627-4000 or, as well as the Utah Office for Victims of Crime at 800-621-7444 or

Crisis Counselor

Rocky Vista University provides a list of referrals for crisis counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs through the community. A list of referrals is available in the Student Affairs office. Pastoral and professional counselors, at their discretion, are encouraged to inform those they counsel of the procedure for reporting crimes voluntarily and confidentially to the Ivins Police Department or any “campus security authority” for inclusion in the annual crime statistics.

Sex Offender Policy

Information concerning persons who are required by Utah law to register as sex offenders may be obtained from the Ivins Police Department’s website. The Utah Convicted Sex Offender Website is Offender Watch Initiative.

Campus and Community Resources

Click here for the procedures the university will follow when incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are reported. (PDF)

Students or employees needing immediate and confidential medical assistance, treatment and other health services following an incidence of sexual assault, may contact one of the following resources:

On-Campus Resources – Utah Campus

Off-Campus Resources – Southern Utah Campus

Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Counseling Programs

Lions Gate Recovery
(866) 471-9476

24 Hour National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information Center
(800) 784-6776

Alcoholics Anonymous
(435) 674-4791

Narcotics Anonymous
(435) 467-4403

Clery Act and Title IX Policies

Rocky Vista University shares many of the same interests and problems as other colleges and communities, including a concern about crime. The University has been fortunate not to have experienced a significant number of crimes, but one should not be misled into thinking the campus is crime-free. There is always the possibility of a criminal act occurring against a member of the RVU community despite the best efforts of the Safety and Security Department and the administrative staff. A truly safe campus can only be achieved through shared responsibility of all members of the RVU community.

The University is committed to maintaining a safe environment to support a healthy, learning-centered campus. This commitment includes making necessary physical improvements that promote safety and well-being; the revision and updating of policies, procedures, and rules; and an obligation to hold accountable those who choose to commit crimes or violate rules and regulations.

Every student, faculty, staff member, and visitor has an individual responsibility to be aware of their personal safety, to properly utilize college resources, to make positive choices, and to use common sense. Crimes, violations, hate crimes, suspicious persons or activity, and safety issues should be reported upon discovery through the appropriate channels as described in this Handbook. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures and the important information on the website. Updates, timely warnings, and important information regarding safety on campus will be communicated by emails, fliers, TV monitors, and other presentations.

RVU Title IX, Sexual Misconduct, and Non-Discrimination Policies

Alcohol, Drug, and Firearms Policies

Firearm Policy

Possessing unauthorized firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and/or other dangerous weapons (or instruments resembling them), which may cause fear, alarm, and/or harass another person within or upon the grounds, buildings, or other facilities of the college or at any college-sponsored or supervised function or event is prohibited. Any person(s) in violation of this regulation shall be subject to college disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.

Firearm Policy (PDF)

Alcohol- and Drug-Free Policy

RVU is an alcohol and drug free campus, with the exception of special events that are approved by the President or Dean of RVU. As set forth in local, state, and Federal laws, and the rules and regulations of the college, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on campus-controlled property is strictly prohibited. All drug and alcohol laws are vigorously enforced.

Rocky Vista University policy prohibits the sale, manufacture, distribution, use or possession of illegal drugs on the college campus. This policy applies to faculty, staff and students.

Drug & Alcohol Policy (PDF)

Disciplinary Sanctions

Through disciplinary procedures, the college will impose sanctions upon students and employees, who unlawfully use, possess, sell or distribute drugs or unlawfully use or abuse alcohol on college property, or as part of any college employment or activity. Depending on the circumstances, these sanctions may range from a warning, to a maximum of expulsion or termination of employment. Students and employees who violate the college’s regulations are also subject to referral by the Department of Campus Safety and Security to local law enforcement for criminal prosecution.

Remember: If You See Something, Say Something!

Crime Prevention and Awareness Programs

Here are the programs the Campus Safety and Security team implement in order to maintain a safe and secure campus:

  • Bystander Intervention Program
  • Mandatory Title IX Awareness Training for all Students and Employees
  • Violence Education and Prevention (VEP)
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
  • Campus Safety Resources Guide
  • Instructions for obtaining Protection Orders
  • Explanation of Victims’ Rights and Resources (Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking)
  • RVU Procedures to Reports of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
  • Rights for Crime Victims
  • Annual Security Report
  • Active Shooter Training
  • Resources Available: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Violence, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, ID Theft and Prevention
  • Safety Escorts
  • Evidence Preservation
  • Evidence Preservation for Victims’ of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
  • Crime Prevention (safe walk, silent witness)

For more information or to obtain literature on any of these programs, please click here or contact the Campus Safety & Security Department.

If you want to know who is registered in your area:

The Utah Convicted Sex Offender Website is located here.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace of 1988 require all schools and institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees on University property or as part of any University activities.
The annual notification and the Biennial Review, which are part of Rocky Vista University’s program adopted to comply with these Acts, are required by law. In compliance with the law, the policy can be found in the University Catalog/Handbook, as well as the Employee Handbook.

Utah Drug and Alcohol Assistance Resource Links

2 women sitting outdoors at the Montana campus

The Department of Campus Safety & Security has several ways to ensure that the campus community remains a safe and secure learning environment, including CCTV surveillance cameras, an access-controlled facility, advanced fire control system, and the RAVE Emergency Notification System. The Campus Safety team is committed to providing safety and security services in a professional and consistent manner. RVU strives to provide these services with integrity, professionalism, and timeliness. The Campus Safety Department is present on campus from 6 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to midnight on Saturday & Sunday. They provide proactive patrols, safety escorts, investigations, crime prevention, and many other services. Students, staff, or faculty who witness a crime, accident, emergency, suspicious person, or any other emergency should promptly call the Campus Safety & Security Department at (406) 901-2722 or contact emergency services by dialing 911. The Campus Safety & Security Department should be informed of all 911 calls so assistance can be provided to local law enforcement and/or other emergency personnel. 

Students, staff, and faculty will receive emergency notifications, including campus closures and weather delays via SMS text messages and email notifications. In the event a Timely Warning Notice is issued, the campus community will be notified as soon as possible through our Emergency Notification Systems in the form of SMS text messages, emails, and/or bull horn/public address system. Students, staff, and faculty will receive a text message notification of RVU campus closures or emergencies.

If you see a crime, accident, emergency, or suspicious person, promptly call (406) 901-2722. If a matter needs attention from the local police or fire department, the Campus Safety Department will call either the Billings Police Department or the Billings Fire Department. You may call 911 if it is a life-threatening emergency, then notify Campus Safety so assistance can be provided to law enforcement. Victims and/or witnesses can report crimes on a confidential basis through the anonymous tip hotline (406) 901-2723

For more information, review the Rocky Vista University Annual Security Report.

To view the daily crime log, please visit the Security Department.

Information for Students and Employees

Campus Safety

The Department of Campus Safety has several ways to ensure that our campus community remains a safe and secure learning environment, including CCTV surveillance cameras, access-control, advanced fire control system, RAVE Emergency Notification System, as well as officer patrols and escorts. We also work closely with local police and fire departments.

The Department of Campus Safety is committed to providing safety and security services in a professional and consistent manner. RVU strives to provide these services with integrity, timely communication, and problem-solving.

Students, staff and faculty can click here to sign up for the RVU RAVE Mass Notification System to receive email and text message notification of future RVU campus closures and/or emergencies.

Please see the MCOM Emergency Response and Communication Plan for more detailed information.

Campus Safety & Security Information

Printed information and communication about sexual misconduct and assault awareness, prevention, and reporting is made available to students and staff outside of the Campus Safety Office, at the security front desk, and electronically on television monitors around the campus.

Services for Students and Employees

  • ID Cards – Replacement ID cards can be requested at the front security desk in the main lobby. Bring Photo I.D (driver’s license) and an officer will be able to assist you. ID Cards are required to be visible at all times while on campus.
  • Parking Permits – Any motor vehicle parked on the RVU Campus parking lots must display a valid parking permit or pass. The campus parking permit application form is available here.
  • Safety Escort Program – The Safety Escort Program is available to all students and staff at any time of the day or night. Contact any Campus Safety Officer or call 406-901-2722 for a safety escort on campus. Please do not hesitate to ask for a safety escort if a situation makes you feel afraid or threatened. Any reason is a legitimate reason to request a safety escort!
  • Motorist Assistance – The Department of Campus Safety offers jump-starts for vehicles with dead batteries, help with changing a flat tire, or assist you in calling “AAA” or a local tow service. The Department is not allowed to assist in unlocking your vehicle for any reason.
  • Lost and Found – Collected or found items are stored in the department’s property room. Items turned in are kept for 90 days. Check with our office often if you have lost something. Proper identification on your valuables will help officers return your property to you faster. For assistance, call or stop by the campus safety office or front desk.

Bicycle Parking

  • Please comply with the State bicycle laws
  • Only use bike racks to park your bike
  • Parked bicycles that create safety hazards may be impounded
  • Bicycles are not permitted in campus buildings
  • It is recommended that a U-style lock with a cut key be used to secure your bike to the racks

Emergency Response and Evacuation

The basic Emergency Response Plan outlined is to protect lives and property through effective use of campus community resources. Whenever a situation or an emergency affecting the campus reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine procedures, the Emergency Response Plan shall be implemented.

For more information, review the MCOM Emergency Response and Communication Plan.

Emergency Notification System to Enhance Emergency Preparedness

The safety of students, faculty, and staff is a constant priority at RVU. The ability to quickly provide notice, accurate information, and instructions with minimum delay during a situation is crucial. To accomplish this, RVU has selected RAVE Emergency Notification System, a multi-modal communication service that allows RVU campus leaders and public safety and security personnel to deliver time-sensitive notifications to our students, faculty, and staff during unforeseen events or emergencies.

These systems complement our existing campus emergency response plans, which are continuously updated to be responsive to both man-made and natural disasters. This system is only used during emergencies and related tests or drills.

In the event that a crime occurs on campus, the Department of Campus will post a “Timely Notice” alert in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998.

MCOM Mass Notification Policy (PDF)

RVU-Utah Active Shooter Training Exercise 2018

Please Watch:  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Active Shooter Video – Run, Hide, Fight Video

Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Assault

Please refer to the Office of Compliance and Quality Assurance page for information about RVU’s Title IX policy, as well as information about sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. There is also information on that page about how to report a crime.

Protect Yourself

  • Avoid people who don’t allow you to make your own decisions and those who give you the feeling that you “owe them” something.
  • Be very explicit with dates about how intimate you expect the relationship to be.
  • Do not assume that a person will know that you are comfortable with “going so far” and no further.
  • Don’t drink beverages that you did not open yourself.
  • Don’t exchange or share drinks with anyone.
  • Don’t drink from a container that is being passed around.
  • If someone offers you a drink at a bar or club, accompany the person to the bar, watch the drink being poured, and carry the drink yourself.
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended while using the restroom or making a phone call. If you realize you have left it unattended, throw the drink away.
  • Don’t mix drugs and alcohol.

If you have been sexually assaulted, it’s never too late to get help.

  • Go to a safe place.
  • Call someone.
  • Do not bathe, wash hands, or clean fingernails. It is important that victims preserve evidence that may be necessary to prove criminal sexual assault.
  • Do not remove clothing worn during or following the assault as these frequently contain valuable fiber, hair, and fluid evidence.
  • Do not apply or take any medication.
  • Get medical attention as soon as possible.
  • When you get to the hospital, tell the triage staff you have been sexually assaulted.

If the assault happened some time ago:

  • Seek counseling.
  • Seek medical attention for treatment of injuries or symptoms related to the assault.
  • Consider reporting the incident to the police.
  • Pursue the campus judicial process.
  • Pursue academic or administrative assistance.
  • Access other community support resources.

Coping with Sexual Assault

Victims of sexual assault may find it helpful to discuss their experience with a counselor. Victim advocates and counselors are available to meet with victims in an informal and private setting. Referrals for these services are available through the Student Affairs office. The Student Affairs Office and the Department of Campus Safety may also be able to assist in changing a student’s academic situation, by serving as a source of referral to outside agencies, and by providing information about on- and off-campus reporting, prosecution procedures, and the college disciplinary process.

College Response to a Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a criminal act which subjects the perpetrator to criminal and civil penalties in state and federal courts. In addition, Rocky Vista University will respond administratively if a sexual assault or other criminal offense involves a student or employee as the offender. Students and employees are subject to applicable laws, college policies, and disciplinary procedures, including policies prohibiting sexual harassment.

Possible Sanctions Against Offenders

Victims may begin a disciplinary action by reporting the incident to the Department of Campus Safety or to the Student Affairs office. A written statement detailing the incident may be requested. The accuser and accused are entitled to have others present during a disciplinary hearing. In the case of sexual assault, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome. In addition to any criminal sanctions, a sexual assault perpetrator is subject to appropriate employee or student disciplinary sanctions.

  • Faculty and staff: the range of employment penalties include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: counseling, reprimand, suspension, or termination of employment.
  • Students: Students who violate federal, state, or local laws are subject to criminal charges. In addition, the perpetrator may be subject to disciplinary actions as set forth in the student code of conduct. The ranges of sanctions for violations of the code of conduct include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: suspension, expulsion, alteration of class schedule, probation, loss of privileges, or a warning.

Rights of the Victim

A person who reports having been sexually assaulted has the right to:

  • Request a female or male officer to take the report.
  • Have his/her identity protected, consistent with legal requirements.
  • Be treated professionally and with sensitivity, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation of the victim or the perpetrator.
  • Assistance with medical treatment, counseling, and other resources, including transportation to a hospital, if desired.
  • Be informed of the outcome of a police investigation.
  • Request an alternative academic or employment situation, if such an alternative is available.
  • Have all questions answered fully.
  • Upon request, the College will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or a non forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the College against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the College will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim’s next of kin, if so requested.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

The University encourages all individuals to report possible sexual misconduct that they suffer or observe and requires responsible employees of the University to do so, using one of the investigative resources described below.

The purpose of these investigation procedures is to provide prompt and equitable processes for addressing and investigating incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly committed against students and employees. A lengthy period of time between an alleged occurrence and an investigation may make fact-finding more difficult; therefore, individuals are encouraged to raise concerns and complaints as soon as possible.

The University provides three different procedures, described below, for investigating and adjudicating Requests for Investigation of sexual misconduct allegedly committed by students. The first two options address Requests for Investigation alleging misconduct other than sexual violence: An Informal Conciliation Process and a Formal Investigation Process, and a third process is available only for Sexual Violence Requests for Investigation: The Sexual Violence Response Process.

If you are unsure about the appropriate process for a Request for Investigation or unsure whether to file a Request for Investigation, please contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481 or [email protected] for an initial meeting, wherein the Title IX Coordinator will discuss the options and answer any questions.

The University highly recommends that the Reporting Party of sexual violence seek immediate medical attention after the incident. The Title IX Coordinator will provide, if needed, referrals to a medical professional.

In addition, please notify the RVU Department of Campus Safety, as well as the police jurisdiction where the assault occurred or 911.

For those who are victims of sexual assault, it is important to get immediate medical attention, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. A physical examination will help to assure that any injuries will be identified and treated and that victims receive important information about the risks for sexually transmitted disease.

An examination does not obligate a victim to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be obtained and preserved in the event a criminal investigation is authorized at a later time. Victims should not bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes before the examination. Individuals are also encouraged to seek counseling. Support by a trained counselor can help the individual understand and work through the trauma of the incident. Counselors can also help others who are close to the individual.

Explanation of Victim Rights (PDF)

RVU Notice of Complainants Rights (Word)

Victim Assistance

Crime victims can get help by contacting the Victim Services Unit in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. They have trained personnel available to confidentially discuss incidents. They help victims decide on reporting options, make referrals to appropriate support services, and offer victim support services.

The MCOM Campus is serviced by the Billings City Attorney’s Office. You may contact the Victim Services & Information at 406-657-8205 or Billings MT Gov – Victim Services Information (click here), as well as the Yellowstone County Attorney’s Office Victim Witness Advocates at 406-256-2870 or Montana Department of Justice – Crime Victims Advocates (click here).

Crisis Counselor

Rocky Vista University provides a list of referrals for crisis counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs through the community. A list of referrals is available in the Student Affairs office. Pastoral and professional counselors, at their discretion, are encouraged to inform those they counsel of the procedure for reporting crimes voluntarily and confidentially to the Billings Police Department or any “campus security authority” for inclusion in the annual crime statistics.

Sex Offender Policy

Information concerning persons who are required by Montana law to register as sex offenders may be obtained from the  Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office website or the Montana Department of Justice website.

Campus and Community Resources

Click here for the procedures the university will follow when incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are reported. (PDF)

Students or employees needing immediate and confidential medical assistance, treatment and other health services following an incidence of sexual assault, may contact one of the following resources:

Off-Campus Resources – Montana Campus

National Sexual Assault Hotline – RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)
800-656-HOPE (4673)

Billings Police Department

Billings Fire Department

Yellowstone County Sherriff’s Department

Community Crisis Center

Riverstone Health


The National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233) or text START to 88788

Clery Act and Title IX Policies

Rocky Vista University shares many of the same interests and problems as other colleges and communities, including a concern about crime. The University has been fortunate not to have experienced a significant number of crimes, but one should not be misled into thinking the campus is crime-free. There is always the possibility of a criminal act occurring against a member of the RVU community despite the best efforts of the Department of Campus Safety and the administrative staff. A truly safe campus can only be achieved through shared responsibility of all members of the RVU community.

The University is committed to maintaining a safe environment to support a healthy, learning-centered campus. This commitment includes making necessary physical improvements that promote safety and well-being; the revision and updating of policies, procedures, and rules; and an obligation to hold accountable those who choose to commit crimes or violate rules and regulations.

Every student, faculty, staff member, and visitor has an individual responsibility to be aware of their personal safety, to properly utilize college resources, to make positive choices, and to use common sense. Crimes, violations, hate crimes, suspicious persons or activity, and safety issues should be reported upon discovery through the appropriate channels as described in this Handbook. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures and the important information on the website. Updates, timely warnings, and important information regarding safety on campus will be communicated by emails, fliers, TV monitors, and other presentations.

RVU Title IX, Sexual Misconduct, and Non-Discrimination Policies

Alcohol, Drug, and Firearms Policies

Firearm Policy

Possessing unauthorized firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, and/or other dangerous weapons (or instruments resembling them), which may cause fear, alarm, and/or harass another person within or upon the grounds, buildings, or other facilities of the university or at any university sponsored or supervised function or event is prohibited. Any person(s) in violation of this regulation shall be subject disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.

Firearm Policy (PDF)

Alcohol- and Drug-Free Policy

RVU is an alcohol and drug free campus, with the exception of special events that are approved by the President or Dean of RVU. As set forth in local, state, and Federal laws, and the rules and regulations of the college, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on campus-controlled property is strictly prohibited. All drug and alcohol laws are vigorously enforced.

Rocky Vista University policy prohibits the sale, manufacture, distribution, use or possession of illegal drugs on the college campus. This policy applies to faculty, staff and students.

Drug & Alcohol Policy (PDF)

Disciplinary Sanctions

Through disciplinary procedures, the university will impose sanctions upon students and employees, who unlawfully use, possess, sell, or distribute drugs, or unlawfully use or abuse alcohol on college property, or as part of any university employment or activity. Depending on the circumstances, these sanctions may range from a warning to a maximum of expulsion or termination of employment. Students and employees who violate the university’s regulations are also subject to referral by the Department of Campus Safety to local law enforcement for criminal prosecution.

Remember: If You See Something, Say Something!

Crime Prevention and Awareness Programs

Here are the programs the Public Safety and Security team implement in order to maintain a safe and secure campus:

  • Bystander Intervention Program
  • Mandatory Title IX Awareness Training for all Students and Employees
  • Violence Education and Prevention (VEP)
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
  • Campus Safety Resources Guide
  • Instructions for obtaining Protection Orders
  • Explanation of Victims’ Rights and Resources (Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking)
  • RVU Procedures to Reports of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
  • Rights for Crime Victims
  • Annual Security Report
  • Active Shooter Training
  • Resources Available: Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Violence, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, ID Theft and Prevention
  • Safety Escorts
  • Evidence Preservation
  • Evidence Preservation for Victims’ of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
  • Crime Prevention (safe walk, silent witness)

For more information or to obtain literature on any of these programs, please click here or contact the Department of Campus Safety & Security.

Know who is registered in your area:

The Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry Website is located here.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace of 1988 require all schools and institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees on University property or as part of any University activities.
The annual notification and the Biennial Review, which are part of Rocky Vista University’s program adopted to comply with these Acts, are required by law. In compliance with the law, the policy can be found in the University Catalog/Handbook, as well as the Employee Handbook.

Montana Drug and Alcohol Assistance Resource Links

Campus Safety and Security Mission Statement

The Rocky Vista University Department of Campus Safety & Security is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment.  We fulfill this mission by retaining experienced, trained, and professional Officers that incorporate the University’s guiding principles to reflect best practices and quality services to our Campus Community.

Campus Safety & Security thrives to enhance the living, learning, and working experience at Rocky Vista University.  We are committed to service and our Community, and building long lasting working relationships with all of our Students, Faculty, and Staff.

Contact Campus Safety and Security

Colorado Campus

8401 S. Chambers Road
Englewood, CO 80112
Anonymous Tip Line: 303-708-8185

[email protected]

Utah Campus

255 E. Center Street
Ivins, UT 84738
Anonymous Tip Line: 435-222-1313

[email protected]

Montana Campus

4130 Rocky Vista Way
Billings, MT 59106
Anonymous Tip Line: 406-901-2723

[email protected]