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July 2, 2020 | Town Hall

By Kristen Kaiser | Jul 2, 2020 | Comments Off on July 2, 2020 | Town Hall

July 2, 2020 | Town Hall Dear RVU Family, We hope that you are enjoying this unique and unforgettable summer of 2020! For those of you who missed our live Town Hall session on Tuesday, you can view the recording here. Also attached to this email are our responses to each of the questions typed in during the live session as promised. Below are some important announcements and reminders: Positive Test Reporting Requirements. If you test positive for COVID-19 or believe you may have COVID-19, you are required to report this as per RVU Policy. Employees are to contact their direct supervisor, who will then contact HR. Pre-clinical students are to contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs (Dr. Roos), who will then notify the Vice President of Academic Affairs (Dr. Told).  Students are also recommended to notify their respective Director of Pre-Clinical Education or Program Director. Students on clinical externships or rotations are to contact their preceptor and their clinical coordinator, who will then notify the Associate Dean of Clinical Education (Dr. Miller) or the PA Program Director (PA Ruff). Department Reintegration Plans. Managers should be conducting reintegration training with their teams now. The purpose of the training is […]

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June 26, 2020 | Update from COVID-19 Response Team

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 26, 2020 | Comments Off on June 26, 2020 | Update from COVID-19 Response Team

June 26, 2020 | Update from COVID-19 Response Team Dear RVU Family, We have thoughtfully transitioned to Phase Blue on Wednesday, June 24 and are carefully monitoring our status daily as we reintegrate our students and employees back on campus. When we made our decision on June 22 to move to Phase Blue, new cases in CO were declining. And while new cases in UT were rising, most of these were in northern part of the state. Southern Utah saw an increasing rate of new cases but the actual number of cases were not extremely high and have been declining since the high of 60 reported cases on June 18. These numbers were important in our decision making process. بوكر عربي Further, we believe that the many preventive and protective measures we have reviewed, approved, and implemented will keep our RVU community as safe as reasonably possible. As the pandemic continues its course, we realize that it is impossible to prevent all members in our RVU family from getting infected (e.g. exposure at grocery stores, gatherings, etc.). Our goal is to prevent and mitigate viral transmissions on our campus to the best of our ability. The personal accountability of each member of […]

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June 23, 2020 | Reintegration Plan Update – Phase Blue

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 23, 2020 | Comments Off on June 23, 2020 | Reintegration Plan Update – Phase Blue

June 23, 2020 | Reintegration Plan Update – Phase Blue Dear RVU Family, The CRT has reviewed the national and local status of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to COVID-19 at our meeting yesterday afternoon. Based on our careful assessment, we are pleased to announce that RVU will transition to Phase Blue on Wednesday, June 24 at 6:00AM. All Departmental/Program Reintegration Plans have been approved and we are ready to put them in action. To that end, all employees are considered Approved Employees and may access the campus starting tomorrow as per your Department Reintegration Plan. Students may return to campus to study in Phase Blue. Please read the policy and procedure on reserving study spaces/rooms, which can be found here for CO and here for UT.  Additional information is forthcoming from your SGA. Please note the modified hours of campus operations: Building is open Monday to Friday from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM Library is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM For the SU campus, building is open on Saturday from 11:30 AM to 8:00 PM (Library included) For the CO campus, building is open on Sunday from 11:30 AM to 8:00 PM (Library included) Please review and adhere to […]

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Dr. Cole Zanetti Appointed Senior Advisor of Veteran Health Administration Innovation Ecosystem

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 23, 2020 | Comments Off on Dr. Cole Zanetti Appointed Senior Advisor of Veteran Health Administration Innovation Ecosystem

Dr. Cole Zanetti Appointed Senior Advisor of Veteran Health Administration’s Innovation Ecosystem [June 23, 2019] – Rocky Vista University (RVU) is pleased to announce that Cole Zanetti, DO, MPH, Co-Director of RVUCOM’s Digital Health Track, has been appointed as the Senior Advisor for the Veteran Health Administration’s (VHA) Innovation Ecosystem, a program with the mission of enabling health care innovation for the benefit of the Veteran community. As the first osteopathic physician to serve as Senior Advisor, Dr. طريقة لعبة البوكر في الجزائر Zanetti will assist VHA Innovative Ecosystem in shaping the vision and strategic direction of the entire innovation arm of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This new role will be in addition to his work as Primary Care Section Chief for VA’s Eastern Colorado Health Care System, where he continues to provide guidance from the perspective of an on-the-ground clinician. العاب اون لاين مجانا “This opportunity, combined with the Digital Health Track, is an absolute honor,” said Dr. Zanetti. “I hope [it shows] the world, in a small way, how the osteopathic profession is leading in innovation in healthcare.” In 2019, Dr. Zanetti helped launch the Digital Health Track, a pioneering educational track that prepares […]

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June 17, 2020 | Update from COVID-19 Response Team

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 17, 2020 | Comments Off on June 17, 2020 | Update from COVID-19 Response Team

June 17, 2020 | Update from COVID-19 Response Team Dear RVU family, It has been a very fast one week as we continue our reintegration efforts of Phase Yellow. Several of our Approved Employees have returned to work on campus, while others continue to work from home. Many of our department leaders are still working hard on completing their respective reintegration plans which must then be submitted for review and approval. The SGA presidents, Zoe Roth (CO) and Paul Yang (SU), attended their first meeting with the CRT on Monday. Their contributions have been valuable and they have proven to be great representatives and advocates for the Colorado and Utah student bodies. Utah continues to see increasing COVID-19 cases along with its bordering states Arizona, Idaho, and Nevada. However, Colorado continues to see a declining trend of new cases. Health officials are still concerned about overall increasing cases due to factors including re-opening of the economy, gatherings of various sizes for different reasons, and the non-compliance of many Americans to use face coverings and practice responsible social distancing. Due to the above reasons, it was felt that transitioning to Phase Blue today is premature and not in our RVU family’s […]

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June 12, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 12, 2020 | Comments Off on June 12, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

June 12, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update Dear RVU Family, Hopefully everyone had the opportunity to attend or view the CRT Town Hall presentation on Monday to learn about our Reintegration Plan. This week we transitioned from Phase ORANGE (High Risk) to Phase Yellow (Elevated Risk). Here are a few items to keep in mind as we start our reintegration process: The State of States: New COVID-19 cases continues to fluctuate and is now in a slightly downward trend in Colorado. However, this may go up to the recent protest gatherings. Utah cases are spiking, with Southern Utah setting a new record for the highest number of COVID-19 cases in a day. Student Representation: To be inclusive and transparent with our students, the CRT has invited the SGA President from each campus to attend our CRT meetings once a week to represent our students’ collective voice. Their first meeting is on Monday and we are excited to have them join us. شرح لعبة بلاك جاك Preparing to Transition Back to Campus: For the new Approved Employees returning to campus, please be mindful of the screening process that is in place to ensure the safety of our community. The steps needed to be taken are as follows: […]

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Esteemed Professors Named Emeriti Chairs at RVUCOM

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 9, 2020 | Comments Off on Esteemed Professors Named Emeriti Chairs at RVUCOM

Esteemed Professors Named Emeriti Chairs at RVUCOM [June 9, 2020] RVU has named Walter Buck, PhD, Professor of Structural Medicine, and Michael Tieman, MD, FACS, Professor of Specialty Medicine, Emeriti Chairs of the Department of Structural Medicine and the Department of Specialty Medicine, respectively. For thirteen years, Dr. Buck has served on the RVU faculty as Chair and Course Director in the Department of Structural Medicine. During his time at RVU, Dr. Buck has made significant contributions, many of which are now woven into the fabric of the University’s academic programs and student life. He established a partnership between RVU and AirLife Denver, started the RVU portion of the Chaparral Medical Anatomy Program, and founded, with students, the Donor Memorial Ceremony. Before RVU, Dr. Buck taught at the University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine (also serving for a time as Associate Dean for Preclinical Education). He received a Doctorate degree in Human Anatomy from Ohio State University. He was recognized with the William Osler Award for Teaching Excellence in Biomedical Sciences in 2010 and with the RVU Presidential Award of Excellence in 2018. Currently, he is a member of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Dr. Tieman came […]

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A Message from the President

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 8, 2020 | Comments Off on A Message from the President

A Message from the President Dear RVU Community, Recent tragic events have reinforced that racism is still an ugly reality in our country. We grieve over the senseless death of George Floyd and all whose lives have been cut short only because of the color of their skin. As members of a healthcare university, we have seen how racism and inequality are manifested and compounded as significant healthcare disparities for people of color through low quality and limited access to healthcare services. This has been made even more apparent in the disproportionate effect of the coronavirus pandemic on Black and Brown People. As educators, we are committed to our institutional core value of diversity and  to the education of compassionate future healthcare providers trained to serve diverse populations. We are also committed to providing a safe space for all and ensuring that  racism, bigotry, and discrimination will have no place in our institution. Our students also recognize a moral obligation to address inequality and injustice. العاب قمار كازينو   Kelsey Boghean, OMS III, stated that RVU students are “actively working to recognize how implicit bias impacts health outcomes and serve as leaders in change, in an effort to mitigate the effects injustice and racism […]

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AOA Statement Denouncing Racism and Inequality

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 5, 2020 | Comments Off on AOA Statement Denouncing Racism and Inequality

AOA Statement Denouncing Racism and Inequality The American Osteopathic Association wishes to publicly express our profound sadness in response to the tragic death of George Floyd, and we firmly stand with all who are impacted by systemic racism and inequality. In addition to recognizing the personal loss for Mr. Floyd’s family and loved ones, we mourn the stark reality that overt racism, unfortunately, still exists within our nation. The osteopathic profession has always proudly embraced diversity and inclusion and the unqualified value placed on human life. Our profession has a long-standing commitment to addressing health disparities and supporting programs aimed at reducing violence of all kinds, including those that have a disproportionate impact on minority communities. We embrace the belief that all aspects of an individual, including but not limited to race, contribute to the whole person and should never result in disadvantage or infliction of harm. We are hopeful that through this tragedy, meaningful and necessary social reform can and will occur, and we are uplifted by the peaceful protests uniting all races and ethnicities in support of equality and justice. At the same time, we are deeply disappointed that the criminal actions of the few have, in part, overshadowed the lawful and […]

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RVU-SU Welcomes Three New Members to its Executive Advisory Council

By Kristen Kaiser | Jun 1, 2020 | Comments Off on RVU-SU Welcomes Three New Members to its Executive Advisory Council

RVU-SU Welcomes Three New Members to its Executive Advisory Council [June 1, 2020] Rocky Vista University (RVU) is pleased to announce the appointments of Steven Bennion, PhD, MPA, Cynthia Furse, PhD, and Terri Kane, BSN, RN, to its Executive Advisory Council (EAC) for its Southern Utah location. Members of the Council include Utahans and those with strong ties to Utah, who are accomplished leaders in their respective fields and communities. RVU-SU Executive Advisory Council was established in 2017 shortly after the campus opened to provide guidance in the success and growth of RVU’s new medical campus in Ivins, Utah. In August of this year, RVU-SU will expand its program offerings with the addition of the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MSBS) program. Steven Don Bennion, PhD, MPA, is a native Utahan who has spent most of his career in the state’s higher education institutions. He has served as President of Snow College (1982 – 1989), Ricks College (1989 – 1997), and Southern Utah University (1997 – 2006). While at Ricks College in 1989, Dr. Bennion expanded computer access for students and developed a “fast track” program to allow more students to attend. Cynthia M. Furse, PhD is a Professor […]

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