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RVU’s Healthcare Simulation Center Hosts Virtual Grand Opening During Healthcare Simulation Week

By Kristen Kaiser | Oct 7, 2020 | Comments Off on RVU’s Healthcare Simulation Center Hosts Virtual Grand Opening During Healthcare Simulation Week

RVU’s Healthcare Simulation Center Hosts Virtual Grand Opening During Healthcare Simulation Week [October 6, 2020 – Parker, CO] Simulation in healthcare encompasses different modalities and cutting-edge technologies that provide customizable and hands-on learning experiences to students in a risk-free environment. At Rocky Vista University (RVU), the Office of Simulation in Medicine and Surgery (SIMS) has opened a Healthcare Simulation Center (HSC) at each campus location which offers simulation services in a centralized location and integrates simulation into the curriculum of all RVU program offerings. During Healthcare Simulation Week – a national celebration of the professionals who use simulation to improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of healthcare delivery – the Office of SIMS hosted a virtual grand opening of each of its HSCs, highlighting significant updates to the spaces and equipment. On the Colorado campus, renovations and new technology additions include: an ambulance ramp, a simulated trauma bay complete with two emergency rooms and operating rooms, a simulated prep room, and storage for equipment. كيفية اللعب في bet365 Both campuses have also added designated virtual reality rooms, wall murals to enhance the realism of the simulated clinical spaces, and high-fidelity SimMom and Preemie Annie electronic manikins. “We have two main goals,” […]

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October 5, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Oct 5, 2020 | Comments Off on October 5, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs Screening and Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Mon. 10/5) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 73,054 1,269 2,068 (+54) 36 Utah 77,618 2,421 478(+25) 15 Arizona 220,754 3,033 5,706(+83) 78 Kansas 61,013 2,094 690(+40) 24 Wyoming 6,504 1,124 53(+4) 9 Idaho 43,964 2,460 482(+22) 24    

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October 2, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Oct 2, 2020 | Comments Off on October 2, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

October 2, 2020 | CRT Update Dear RVU Family, October brings cooler weather, beautiful fall foliage, pumpkins and also the start of flu season. If you have not yet received your influenza vaccine, please schedule it as soon as you can. Let’s be vigilant in mitigating all risks in preventing all communicable infections by getting vaccinated and continue observing social distancing and wearing our masks this fall and winter.   Updates and reminders for this week are as follows: New Contact Tracing Cases. We have had two more positive cases since our last email; both were clinical year students in CO. Self-serve printers are now available for student use.  To learn how, please go to this link and carefully follow the instructions.  All students are allocated $250 in printing funds.  If you are a 2nd year student and have paid for additional funds, your account balance will reflect your ending balance as of 6/30/20 plus $250. Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Our HR Department has launched an improved employee benefit program. This program provides access to significant resources and is in support of RVU and CRT guiding principles to further the well-being, health and safety of our employees and their families. While […]

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September 25, 2020 | CRT Email

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 30, 2020 | Comments Off on September 25, 2020 | CRT Email

Dear RVU Family,  This week’s email is unfortunately not as cheery as previous ones. COVID-19 cases are rising in many states (especially UT) and it has once again made its way into our campus. The good news is that our Contact Tracing Team contained it quickly and prevented its spread so far. The bad news is that many students were forced to miss required labs due to exposure. During our investigation into this incident, we found that many RVU people are not wearing masks and social distancing appropriately when off-campus. We appreciate the honesty because these facts influence our medical officers’ decision-making process. However, we are very concerned of the risks to our RVU community due to this lack of cautiousness and lack of compliance to CRT and CDC recommendations. It was also noticed that many are not washing or sanitizing your hands as thoroughly or frequently enough while on campus, particularly during labs.     Updates and reminders for this week include:   Clinical Externship Rotations Jeopardy. Miller, Associate Dean of Clinical Education, reported that he recently had a phone meeting with several hospital leaders of our major training partners in our clinical network. In that meeting it was disclosed that many hospital […]

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September 28, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 28, 2020 | Comments Off on September 28, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs Screening and Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Mon. 9/28) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 69,058 1,199 2,014 (+27) 35 Utah 70,615 2,203 453(+13) 14 Arizona 217,237 2,985 5,623(+146) 77 Kansas 56,874 1,952 595(+40) 27 Wyoming 5,633 973 49(+1) 9 Idaho 40,501 2,266 460(+17) 26

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September 21, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 21, 2020 | Comments Off on September 21, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs Screening and Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Mon. 9/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 64,837 1,126 2,014 (+26) 35 Utah 63,772 1,989 440(+7) 14 Arizona 214,021 2,940 5,477(+5) 75 Kansas 52,700 1,809 595(+67) 20 Wyoming 4,872 842 49(+7) 8 Idaho 37,491 2,098 443(+9) 25

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September 18, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 18, 2020 | Comments Off on September 18, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team

September 18, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update Dear RVU Family, The only thing that appears to be certain these days is uncertainty. Many of us have children who returned to school, only to have schools revert to an all on-line curriculum. Some had children going to all on-line or a hybrid schedule, only to be advised that schools will soon be returning to in person learning soon. The Douglas County School District (DCSD), which is the school district our Colorado campus is located in, announced this week that its elementary schools are tentatively scheduled to return to full-time, in-person learning with a targeted return date of October 19th. We never know the extent of what our teammates and classmates are dealing with in their personal life. Let’s continue to give each other grace and demonstrate the RVU Core Value of Compassion. This week’s informational summary is as follows: Reminder that we are in Phase Blue and the CRT is monitoring the data on new cases and the overall trend of COVID-19. Unfortunately, as predicted, case counts have been increasing due to the opening of schools around the country. We are continually evaluating when it will be safe for us […]

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September 11, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 15, 2020 | Comments Off on September 11, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update

September 11, 2020 | COVID-19 Response Team Update Dear RVU Family, Now that Labor Day is behind us and fall is upon us (actually feels like winter in Colorado), it’s time to remember that flu season is coming. Seasonal flu activity usually begins in October and typically peaks between December and February. The upcoming flu season, along with the pandemic, pose a double threat to our health and community. In an effort to concomitantly combat the flu, RVU is strongly encouraging students and employees to receive their flu vaccine. Both campuses will be offering flu vaccines this month. Please review the email from Tiffany Mahaso (CO) or Dr. Park (UT) sent on September 8. Other points of information to share this week includes: RVU has had 1 positive COVID-19 case on the CO campus this month, which was a preclinical student who became infected while traveling outside the state. Contact tracing and appropriate measures were taken to prevent any risk of on-campus spread. We are doing a good job of following guidelines while on campus! Let’s also do the same while we are off campus. The United States has dubbed the COVID19 vaccine development as ‘Operation Warp Speed’.    They are […]

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September 14, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 14, 2020 | Comments Off on September 14, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs Screening and Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Mon. 9/14) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 61,293 1,064 1,988 (+15) 35 Utah 57,875 1,805 433(+10) 14 Arizona 208,512 2,865 5,322(+103) 73 Kansas 48,766 1,674 528(+45) 18 Wyoming 4,346 751 42 7 Idaho 35,279 1,974 434(+49) 22

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September 8, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Sep 8, 2020 | Comments Off on September 8, 2020 | COVID-19 Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs Screening and Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Mon. 9/08) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 59,464 1,033 1,973 (+31) 34 Utah 55,033 1,717 423(+16) 13 Arizona 205,964 2,830 5,219(+189) 69 Kansas 46,337 1,591 483(+22) 17 Wyoming 4,032 697 42 (+5) 7 Idaho 33,738 1,888 385(+26) 22

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