Rocky Vista University News Room

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February 10, 2020 | A Perspective on J Marion Sims, and Antiblack Racism in OBGYN

By Kristen Kaiser | Feb 10, 2021 | Comments Off on February 10, 2020 | A Perspective on J Marion Sims, and Antiblack Racism in OBGYN

February 10, 2020 | A Perspective on J Marion Sims, and Antiblack Racism in OBGYN [February 10, 2020 – Parker, CO] Dear RVU Family, I serve on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology.  This is the official journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists.  It is available as a resource in our RVU library.  This month the journal published a perspective on J. Marion Sims, often considered the father of American gynecology, but also known to have operated on enslaved black women in the 1840s.  After he left the south, he moved to NY were he opened a famous maternity hospital.  While I was living in NYC, the statue of him, prominently displayed on 5th Avenue, right on Central Park on a strip known as Museum mile, was removed by the city government.  In this article, there is a brief summary of Sims, a four short reflections by Black OBGYNs who are leaders in my field.  I am proud of them for telling their story, and felt it was compelling enough to share with all of you.  Hopefully, this will further our conversation on diversity, equity, and inclusion. A perspective on J. Marion Sims, and […]

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February 8, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Feb 8, 2021 | Comments Off on February 8, 2021 | CRT-Update

February 8, 2021 | CRT Update February 8, 2021 Dear RVU Family: Thank you to all who attended the CRT Town Hall on Friday. If you were unable to attend, or would like to view the presentation again, here is the link. Please note that the video is posted on Mediasite, so you will have to sign in to the site to view the video. Our regular update will be sent at the end of the week. Until then, please continue to stay safe and be well. Professionally yours, The COVID-19 Response Team COVID-19 NEWS

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February 8, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Feb 8, 2021 | Comments Off on February 8, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 2/8/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 405,330 7,039 5,731 (+91) 100 Utah 354,608 11,061 1,736 (+71) 54 Arizona 780,637 10,725 14,048 (+928)  193 Kansas 283,926 9,746 4,075 (+308) 140 Wyoming 52,727 9,093 624 (+28) 108 Idaho 165,209 9,245 1,767 (+42) 99  

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February 4, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Feb 4, 2021 | Comments Off on February 4, 2021 | CRT-Update

February 4, 2021 | CRT Update February 4, 2021 Dear RVU Family, This will be a short CRT email since we have our Town Hall tomorrow to provide more detailed updates. We are hopeful and optimistic as we start the new month of February. Since last week, 2 pre-clinical students and 2 employees tested positive on our Utah campus. Our Colorado campus had 1 pre-clinical student test positive and no employee cases. CRT Town Hall Reminder Please join us tomorrow, Friday, February 5th at 12:00 PM at our CRT Town Hall. Topics to be covered include the RVU Vaccine Plan Updates for both campuses,  an Attestation Form Update, and an update on New Variants. Up to 20 minutes has been reserved for Q&A’s with our panelists: Dr. Park, Dr. Ferrill, Dr. Miller, and Mr. Armstrong. The panelists will answer pre-submitted questions as well as additional questions (time permitting). If your schedule does not allow you to attend live, the recording will be shared with you as always. RVU Vaccine Updates Colorado – The RVU Health Center received 100 Moderna vaccine doses this week. Dr. Kinder and Tiffany Mahaso enlisted the help of Dr. Bentley and 5 RVUCOM students to help pilot […]

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RVU Appoints Heather Ferrill, DO, MS, MEdL, Dean of RVUCOM

By Kristen Kaiser | Feb 4, 2021 | Comments Off on RVU Appoints Heather Ferrill, DO, MS, MEdL, Dean of RVUCOM

RVU Appoints Heather Ferrill, DO, MS, MEdL, Dean of RVUCOM [Parker, Colorado – February 2, 2021] Rocky Vista University (RVU) is pleased to announce that Heather Ferrill, DO, MS, MEdL, has been named Dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM). “After an intense national search, we were delighted, proud, and reassured that RVU has the capacity to inspire, mentor, and promote such mature and compassionate new-wave leadership for the osteopathic community,” said David Forstein, DO, RVU Provost. “The heart and soul of Osteopathic Medical Education has always been found in caring, empathetic, smart, and prepared individuals who are able to lead by their example. Dr. Ferrill brings all of these attributes to her new role, along with a deep understanding of the future of medical education and the RVUCOM culture. Dr. Ferrill will certainly fulfill our vision to Achieve New Heights in Medical Education” Dr. Ferrill joined RVU in 2013 as a Professor and Chair of the Osteopathic Principles and Practice (OPP) Department. In 2019, she assumed the role of Associate Dean of Preclinical Education. A graduate of Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, she completed a Family Medicine/Neuromusculoskeletal medicine residency program at University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine […]

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February 1, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Feb 1, 2021 | Comments Off on February 1, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 2/1/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 396,185 6,880 5,640 (+135) 98 Utah 346,624 10,812 1,665 (+70) 52 Arizona 758,404 10,419 13,120 (+70)  180 Kansas 276,956 9,507 3,767 (+256) 129 Wyoming 51,912 8,970 596 (+25) 103 Idaho 162,683 9,103 1,725 (+56) 97  

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January 29, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Jan 29, 2021 | Comments Off on January 29, 2021 | CRT-Update

January 29, 2021 | CRT Update January 29, 2021 Dear RVU Family, As January winds down, we see a brighter vision of hope as nationwide COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all trending downward after the post-holidays peak. At RVU, we had one positive student case (CO pre-clinical) and one positive employee case (UT) since last week. Nationwide vaccination efforts are also on the rise and the path to herd immunity is clearly visible. This week’s updates are as follows: CRT Town Hall: Please join us at our next Town Hall on Friday, February 5 at noon. In preparation for the Q & A session, please submit questions by Wednesday, February 3. Employees can email questions to Students should send questions to your SGA representative on the CRT: (CO) and (UT) Communicating with CRT: Please remember that when you send an email to the CRT (, it goes to all 18 people on the distribution list. Please fill out the COVID-19 Attestation Form and wait for a medical officer to contact you if you have concerns about being symptomatic or an exposure risk. You are always welcome to send emails to the CRT regarding campus safety and […]

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January 25, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Jan 25, 2021 | Comments Off on January 25, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 1/25/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 386,285 6,708 5,505 (+119) 96 Utah 336,405 10,493 1,595 (+203) 50 Arizona 722,574 9,927 12,238 (+3,808) 168 Kansas 268,908 9,230 3,511 (+76) 123 Wyoming 50,898 8,794 571 (+49) 90 Idaho 159,506 8,926 1,669 (+62) 93  

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January 22, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Jan 22, 2021 | Comments Off on January 22, 2021 | CRT-Update

January 22, 2021 | CRT Update January 22, 2021 Dear RVU Family: Positive cases of COVID-19 have increased nationwide, with COVID related deaths reaching a very somber milestone of hitting the 400,000 mark.  Recent data from Johns Hopkins University reflected almost 4,400 deaths nationwide on Wednesday, the second-most to date (surpassed only by 4,600 deaths on January 12). Since the inception of the pandemic, approximately 24.7 million cases and 407,200 related deaths have been reported in the U.S. Positive cases in CO have increased nearly 4% and close to 6% in Utah. RVU has had 4 new positive cases including 1 pre-clinical student and 3 clinical students. There were no new positive cases among employees last week. The running total of positive RVU cases is 90 (6.77% infection rate) for students and 18 (5.96% infection rate) for employees. Updates for this week are as follows: CRT Town Hall: To ensure our RVU community is kept informed, the COVID Response Team will host its next Town Hall on Friday, February 5 at noon. Communicable Disease Policy Update: The policy has been updated and is available for review on the university’s COVID-19 webpage and can be found here. Please review this document […]

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January 18, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Jan 18, 2021 | Comments Off on January 18, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 1/18/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 376,171 6,532 5,386 (+178) 94 Utah 324,919 10,135 1,392(+1-8) 47 Arizona 679,751 10,071 8,430(-1711) 123 Kansas 261,825 8,987 3,511(+370) 121 Wyoming 49,708 8,589 522 (+33) 90 Idaho 155,554 8,704 1,607(+73) 90  

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