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April 2, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Apr 2, 2021 | Comments Off on April 2, 2021 | CRT-Update

April 2, 2021 | CRT Update April 2, 2021 Dear RVU Family: As more people are becoming vaccinated, the reported number of active outbreaks and positive cases have been declining. This week the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reported 578 active outbreaks, which is the fewest since late October.  In Utah, reported cases to continue to fall with the highest declines noted in the counties of Utah, Davis, and Salt Lake. While we all share our excitement over the increased availability of the vaccine and our lives starting to return to normal, it is important to remember that precautions still need to be taken. Even after receipt of the vaccine, safety measures (wearing a face mask, practicing social distancing, etc.) need to be adhered to, especially in public settings where people who haven’t been vaccinated could still become infected. There simply isn’t enough information at this time on how the vaccine will affect the spread of COVID-19.  However, new CDC guidelines recently released say that it is OK to gather inside without masks with other fully-vaccinated people as long as it’s been at least two weeks since everyone had their second shot. While this is the CDC’s guideline […]

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March 29, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 29, 2021 | Comments Off on March 29, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 3/29/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 458,554 7,963 6,092 (+19) 106 Utah 384,562 11,995 2,114 (+52) 66 Arizona 839,888 11,539 16,918 (+173)  232 Kansas 302,998 10,400 4,848 (+50) 166 Wyoming 56,046 9,684 695 (+2) 120 Idaho 179,428 10,040 1,954 (+13) 109  

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March 27, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 26, 2021 | Comments Off on March 27, 2021 | CRT-Update

March 26, 2021 | CRT Update March 26, 2021 Dear RVU Family: Nationally, positive cases of COVID-19 have increased 1.84% from last week. Colorado and Utah are faring better with positive cases in Colorado being at a 1.39% increase and Utah at an increase of .55% over last week. Hope continues to loom with the increased availability of the vaccine. Some counties in Colorado are relaxing their mask mandate as of April 4 as they transition to Level Green and are able to continue sustaining lower positivity rates. Continuing to do our part to remain safe and to be vaccinated will speed up our return to “normal.” Updates from this week include: Welcome to New Members: The CRT is pleased to welcome new SGA presidents, Austin Anderson and Avery Roe to the team. We also want to thank past presidents Max Muir and Jack Strickland for their great service and contributions to the CRT. Access to Campus: RVU is now accessible 7 days a week from 6:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M. Monday through Sunday. The buildings will remain locked but accessible by your RVU ID badge. Additionally, dry erase markers and erasers will be available for use with the whiteboards […]

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March 22, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 22, 2021 | Comments Off on March 22, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 3/22/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 450,630 7,825 6,073 (+35) 105 Utah 381,629 11,904 2,062 (+53) 64 Arizona 836,253 11,489 16,745 (+192)  230 Kansas 301,178 10,350 4,798 (+20) 165 Wyoming 55,581 9,603 693 (+2) 120 Idaho 177,420 9,928 1,941 (+31) 109  

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Letter from the Dean | Reflections on Violence in Our Society

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 22, 2021 | Comments Off on Letter from the Dean | Reflections on Violence in Our Society

Letter from the Dean: Reflections on Violence in Our Society [March 19, 2021 – Parker, CO] Dear RVUCOM community, Violence happens in our world every day. Hate crimes that are motivated by ethnicity, race, gender, or sexuality happen all too frequently and they are not talked about nearly enough, not dealt with nearly enough, not prosecuted, not aired, not discussed, and not examined nearly enough. The purpose of a hate crime is to inflict larger damage, to increase the blast radius and damage beyond the explosion or gunshot itself. It is about violence, but not just about physical violence – it encompasses the instilling of fear and augments the sense of intimidation a particular community feels well beyond the ones who are specifically targeted. Violence is designed to dehumanize and dehumanization thrives in silence and we must do better. We must acknowledge, honestly, that these things happen in our world. We must acknowledge that hate and intolerance live in our world. We must acknowledge this, and we have to talk about it because acknowledgment and recognition are the first steps to creating a space that is safe and inclusive. This past week, another occurrence of dehumanization once again rocked our […]

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March 19, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 19, 2021 | Comments Off on March 19, 2021 | CRT-Update

March 19, 2021 | CRT Update March 19, 2021 Dear RVU Family: We hope everyone had the opportunity for some much-needed rest and relaxation over spring break. The 7-day positivity rate for Colorado is at 3.52%, representing a slight increase of .08% (due primarily to an uptick of cases reported over the past few days). The current 7-day rolling average of 677 new cases/day in Utah declined 29.18% from 14 days ago. As more people become eligible to receive the vaccine, there is the hope of moving toward increased normalcy in the months ahead. Updates from this week include: Vaccine Update: To date, there have been a total of 113M vaccines administered in the US. 22.2% of the total population has received at least one dose of the vaccine and 12% are fully vaccinated. Colorado  Colorado is moving into stage 1B.4 for COVID-19 Vaccinations effective today.  This is great news for Rocky Vista University employees as front-line workers in education and “student-facing” staff are now eligible. This includes instructors, professors, vocational educators, and any staff who are providing safety or support services inside the school. All people age 50 and older are also eligible. Gov. Polis promised that all adults in […]

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March 11, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 19, 2021 | Comments Off on March 11, 2021 | CRT-Update

March 11, 2021 | CRT Update March 11, 2021 Dear RVU Family: This week’s communication will be short as our students are on spring break and many employees are taking some well-deserved time off. Employees are encouraged to enjoy a work-free day tomorrow and “unplug” from technology this weekend whenever possible. It has been a year since the pandemic has forced us into an isolated reality of remote work and study. This has been challenging and stressful for all of us. As more people become vaccinated, there is looming hope for a return to normalcy. There have been updates regarding vaccine eligibility. Information regarding the distribution of vaccines and eligibility to be vaccinated in Colorado can be found here. Information for Utah can be found here. As a reminder for students returning to your home-campus, please ensure you are back by March 14th. Continue to follow all current CDC guidelines on safety (currently masking up, physical distancing, wash your hands often, etc.). If you become concerned that you have been exposed to or have COVID-19, please remember to report via the attestation form so that we can follow up with you. These continue to be stressful times for everyone. If […]

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March 15, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 15, 2021 | Comments Off on March 15, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 3/15/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 443,968 7,709 6,038 (+87) 105 Utah 378,379 11,802 2,027 (+53) 63 Arizona 832,743 11,441 16,553 (+225)  227 Kansas 299,995 10,297 4,778 (+10) 164 Wyoming 55,163 9,531 691 (+9) 119 Idaho 175,236 9,806 1,910 (+31) 107  

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March 8, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 8, 2021 | Comments Off on March 8, 2021 | COVID-Tracking

COVID-19 Menu COVID-19 Home RVU Reintegration Plan RVU Policies Students Employees Additional Resources FAQs COVID 19 Attestation Form (iNet)   External Links Centers for Disease Control World Health Organization Colorado Coronavirus Gov Utah Coronavirus Gov (Web) Southwest Utah Public Health Dept. COVID-19 Tracking (Updated Monday. 3/8/21) Location Cases Per 100K People Deaths Per 100K People Colorado 436,602 7,582 5,951 (+38) 104 Utah 374,287 11,675 1,974 (+39) 62 Arizona 826,454 11,354 16,328 (+348)  224 Kansas 298,188 10,235 4,768 (+76) 164 Wyoming 54,764 9,462 82 (+11) 118 Idaho 172,931 9,677 1,879 (+19) 105  

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March 5, 2021 | CRT-Update

By Kristen Kaiser | Mar 5, 2021 | Comments Off on March 5, 2021 | CRT-Update

March 5, 2021 | CRT Update March 5, 2021 Dear RVU Family: The number of positive confirmed cases of COVID in the US is stabilizing due to the increased availability of vaccines. Positive cases increased 1.83% nationally from last week. Colorado cases increased 1.40% and cases in Utah were up a mere .53%. With the advent of spring break, we ask that everyone continue to take precautions and be extra vigilant, especially given the additional variants circulating which are thought to be more transmissible. Updates and information for this week include: Vaccine Update: Today Colorado is moving to the next phase in their vaccination plan (Phase 1B.3) includes those 60+, frontline essential workers such as those working in grocery stores and agricultural processing, along with people age 16-59 with two or more qualifying illnesses or situations. The next phase is expected to go into effect around March 21 and will include other frontline essential workers including those working in higher education. Additional information regarding the distribution of vaccines in Colorado can be found here. To schedule an appointment at the health center, please visit their website at (please note that appointments will only be available upon receipt of confirmed […]

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