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Title IX

All RVU employees and students are trained about Title IX Sexual Misconduct Laws on an annual basis. Students and employees are made aware of, and updated on, the Federal Title IX Act and RVU’s policies throughout each year.

RVU’s Title IX Coordinator manages the University’s response to complaints of sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct, as well as retaliation. If you believe you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual misconduct or are aware of sexual misconduct and would like to find out about how the University can help you, contact the Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481 or [email protected]. Anonymous Title IX complaints may be submitted via Ethics Point

You may also want to make an appointment to talk with one of RVU’s Mental Health counselors. The counselor on the Colorado campus can be reached at (720) 875-2896, the counselor on the Montana campus can be reached at (406) 901-2752 and the counselor on the Utah campus can be reached at (435) 222-1270. Your conversation will remain confidential and will not be shared with the Title IX Coordinator.

You may seek the assistance of a trusted faculty or staff member; if you do so, please keep in mind that all University employees (other than medical or counseling professionals) are mandatory reporters and must report all information to the Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Sexual Misconduct and Non-Discrimination Policy

Rocky Vista University (the “University”) is committed to the principles of academic and professional excellence and to fostering a positive learning and working environment for its students and employees. Accordingly, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the administration of or in connection with its educational and admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or employment practices, and it is required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 to not discriminate in such a manner.

It is the intent of the University to provide its employees and students with an environment free of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence (collectively “sexual misconduct”), and to respond appropriately to reports of sexual misconduct. The civil and respectful treatment of one another is a foundation of our principles, and the University will not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct. Persons found responsible for sexual misconduct are subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including dismissal or termination, consistent with this Sexual Misconduct Policy and Investigation Procedures (“Policy”) and any other applicable disciplinary procedures.

Compliance with this Policy is a term and condition of student enrollment and employment at the University. Questions about this Policy or Title IX can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481.

RVU’s Sexual Misconduct and Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures document is a working document that invites participation and input from the entire RVU community. Revisions will be made on an ongoing basis that reflect community feedback and participation in Title IX educational and prevention activities.

Please refer to Title IX Sexual Misconduct and Non Discrimination Policy (PDF) for additional information.

Campus Sexual Violence Act (SaVE Act) and Title IX Information

Campus and Community Resources

For those who are victims of sexual assault, it is important to get immediate medical attention, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. A physical examination will help to assure that any injuries will be identified and treated and that victims receive important information about the risks for sexually transmitted disease. An examination does not obligate a victim to any kind of investigation; however, it allows evidence to be obtained and preserved in the event a criminal investigation is authorized at a later time. Victims should not bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes before the examination. Individuals are also encouraged to seek counseling. Support by a trained counselor can help the individual understand and work through the trauma of the incident. Counselors can also help others who are close to the individual.

Explanation of Victim Rights (PDF)

RVU Campus and Community Resources

Students or employees needing immediate and confidential medical assistance, treatment and other health services following an incidence of sexual assault, may contact one of the following resources:

Billings Clinic
2800 10th Ave N
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 238-2500
(800) 332-7156

Rocky Vista Health Center
Located on the RVU-CO campus
(720) 875-2880

Dixie Regional Medical Center
515 S 300 E, St. George, UT 84770
(435) 251-1000

RVU-CO Security Office
(720) 875-2892

RVU-UT Security Office
(435) 222-1300

Title IX Coordinator
(720) 874-2481

RVU-MT Security Office
(406) 901-2700

SCL Health, St. Vincent
1233 N. 30th St.
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 237-7000

Complaints to Outside Agencies

In addition to the University’s complaint procedures, a Reporting Party or alleged Reporting Party has the right to file a complaint of sexual misconduct or assault with local law enforcement agencies. As referenced elsewhere in this Policy, the involvement of outside law enforcement agencies may necessitate some accommodation in the timing and manner of the University’s Title IX investigation so as not to impede such external proceedings.

However, the University will ensure that it takes appropriate interim measures to protect the Reporting Party in the educational setting as well as to follow through with its own Title IX mandated processes once it learns that the local law enforcement agencies have indicated that their proceedings will not be compromised by the resumption of the University’s Title IX processes. Local law enforcement agencies to which complaints may be directed include:

Billings Police Department
220 N. 27th Street
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: (406) 657-8460

Parker Police Department
18600 E. Lincoln Meadows Pkwy., Parker, CO 80134
Phone: (303) 841-9800

Colorado State Patrol – District 1
4600 Castleton Court, Castle Rock 80109
Phone: (303) 688-3115

Santa Clara/Ivins Police Department
2603 Santa Clara Dr, Santa Clara, UT 84765
Phone: (435) 652-1122

Utah Highway Patrol
620 South 5300 West, Ste 216, Hurricane, Utah 84737
Phone: (435) 634-2890

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace of 1988 require all schools and institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees on University property or as part of any University activities.

The annual notification and the Biennial Review, which are part of Rocky Vista University’s program adopted to comply with these Acts, are required by law. In compliance with the law, the policy can be found in the University Catalog/Handbook, as well as the Employee Handbook.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notification – CO: 2024 (PDF)

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notification – UT: 2024 (PDF)

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notification – MT: 2024 (PDF)

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Biennial Review: 2024 (PDF)

Education Programs

Rocky Vista University is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex (gender), including sexual misconduct, sexual assault, relationship (dating and domestic) violence and stalking.

The University provides resources and training to students, faculty and staff to address concerns related to sexual harassment and sexual violence prohibited by Title IX and University policy.

New Student Orientation

New student orientation covers topics such as sexual assault prevention and education, reporting procedures for sexual harassment and assault, as well as drug and alcohol awareness.

Mandatory Title IX Awareness Training

As part of its commitment to maintaining a campus free of sexual discrimination and harassment, including sexual violence, Rocky Vista University has provides mandatory Title IX awareness training for all students and employees annually. The goal of the training is to make our campus community aware of sexual violence and to understand how to prevent it.

Title IX Task Force

The Title IX Task Force, led by the Title IX coordinator, Ms. Laura Dement, is broadly based, including students, faculty, and staff members specializing in this area. The Task Force meets regularly to improve the way the University responds to student and employee reports of discrimination, harassment (including sexual misconduct), stalking and interpersonal violence. It also develops and delivers ongoing sexual misconduct and assault prevention communication campaigns to students and staff.

Campus Safety and Security Office

Printed information and communication about sexual misconduct and assault awareness, prevention, and reporting is made available to students and staff outside of the Office of Campus Safety and Security, as well electronically on monitors around the campus.

Pregnant and Parenting

Sexual Assault Deterrence

Sexual assault is when one person forces another person into sexual contact without that person’s consent. Here are strategies to protect yourself:

  • Avoid people who don’t allow you to make your own decisions and those who give you the feeling that you “owe them” something.
  • Be very explicit with dates about how intimate you expect the relationship to be.
  • Do not assume that a person will know that you are comfortable with “going so far” and no further.
  • Don’t drink beverages that you did not open yourself.
  • Don’t exchange or share drinks with anyone.
  • Don’t drink from a container that is being passed around.
  • If someone offers you a drink at a bar or club, accompany the person to the bar, watch the drink being poured, and carry the drink yourself.
  • Don’t leave your drink unattended while using the restroom or making a phone call. If you realize you have left it unattended, throw the drink away.
  • Don’t mix drugs and alcohol.

Tips to Prevent Sexual Assault


The guide includes:

  1. Actionable Advice: Concrete steps that students can take to protect themselves and their peers.
  2. Tips on How to Stay Safe: Strategies for personal safety and creating a culture of prevention on campus.
  3. Warning Signs: Key indicators to recognize potential risks and how to respond proactively.
  4. Prevention Resources: A collection of resources for education and support in the event of sexual assault.

Safe Walk Program

The Safe Walk program is available to all students and staff. Contact any Security Officer, at any time of the day or night, for an escort on campus.