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Utah COM Graduates taking their oath at commencement

Consumer Information

On this page you will find everything you need to make an informed decision about attending Rocky Vista University.  From our impressive retention, completion, residency placement and licensure examination pass rates to financial aid facts, health and safety information, and important policies, this page has it all.

General Institutional Information

Accreditation and Academic Programs

Rocky Vista University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of six regional higher education institutional accreditors in the United States. HLC accredits degree-granting post-secondary institutions in the North Central region.

HLC website
HLC Address: 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500 Chicago, IL 60604
HLC Phone: (800) 621-7440

For more detailed information on all University accreditations, please review the link below:


The University Catalog contains information regarding Rocky Vista University’s degree programs, academic regulations, faculty, and facilities. The following site provides detailed information:


Campus Locations

Colorado Campus
8401 S. Chambers Road
Englewood, CO 80112
(303) 373-2008

Southern Utah Campus
255 E. Center Street
Ivins, UT 84738
(435) 222-1236

Montana Campus
4130 Rocky Vista Way
Billings, MT 59106
(406) 901-2700

Complaint Resolution Procedures

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

Consumer Information on College Navigator Website

Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanction (Including Computer Use and File Sharing)

Cost of Attendance

The cost of attendance is a combination of direct and indirect expenses. Direct expenses include tuition and fees and estimated room and board if you are living on-campus. Indirect expenses may vary based on enrollment and off-campus living arrangements. Average costs are provided for estimating purposes by the state of Colorado each year for books/supplies, off-campus housing, travel, and personal expenses. Please note since Rocky Vista University is a private university, state residency status does not affect tuition rates and tuition is the same for in and out of state students.

The following link provides Rocky Vista University tuition and fees information. Costs vary based on a students’ college. You will want to select your intended and/or current college to review costs.

Cost of Attendance

Credit Hour Policy

Data Access and Use

Data Access and Use Policy
Date Approved: 11/28/22
Responsible Office/Dept.: Institutional Effectiveness, Registrar, Data Stewards

  1. Purpose and Scope: This policy defines the roles and responsibilities with respect to accessing and using RVU institutional data. RVU data is information that is related to its operations and activities and must be protected by those who have a legitimate need to access it, use it, and share it.
  2. Definitions: Access to institutional data refers to the permission to view or query institutional data; permission does not necessarily imply delivery or support of specific methods or technologies of information access.
    – Data administration is the function of applying formal guidelines and tools to manage the university’s data and information resources.
    – Data steward refers to the person(s) whose job roles and responsibilities include creating, maintaining, and protecting specific institutional data. A data steward may also include a person who may be considered the administrator of that data. Eligible employees are faculty and staff holding full or part-time appointments at RVU, or other employees specifically designated as eligible to access institutional data by the head of their office, department, program or campus.
    – Institutional data (or information) is data in any form, location, or unit that meets one or more of the following criteria:
    It is subject to a legal obligation requiring the University to responsibly manage the data and protect its privacy;
    · It is substantive and relevant to the planning, managing, operating, documenting, staffing or auditing of one or more major administrative functions or multiple organizational units of the university;
    · It is included in an official university report;
    · It is clinical data or research data that meets the definition of “Scholarly Works” RVU Policy Template Page 2 under the Intellectual Property Policy or
    · It is used to derive any data element that meets the above criteria.
  • Policy Statement: Eligible Employees/Users of institutional data must:
    access data only in their conduct of university business, and in ways consistent with furthering the university’s mission of education, research, and service.
    · respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals whose records they may access.
    · abide by applicable laws, regulations, standards, and policies with respect to access, use, disclosure, retention, and/or disposal of information.

Classifications: Institutional data falls into four classifications. In the absence of being formally classified, institutional data should be treated as University-internal by default.
· Highly Sensitive – Inappropriate handling of this data could result in criminal or civil penalties, identity theft, personal financial loss, invasion of privacy, and/or unauthorized access to this type of information by an individual or many individuals. (FERPA and HIPAA Regulations Apply)
· Restricted – Because of legal, ethical, or other constraints, may not be accessed without specific authorization, or only selective access may be granted.
· University-internal – May be accessed by eligible employees and designated appointees of the university in the conduct of university business.
· Public – Few restrictions; generally releasable to a member of the public upon request.

Process: Upon receipt of a request, seek advice from the appropriate data steward; if the request is made pursuant to an open records statute, seek advice from the appropriate Office of a VP or General Counsel, as well as the appropriate data steward.

Protection: Data administration must be conducted using the utmost level of protection. Users shall use reasonable and appropriate means to protect all data under their control from unauthorized access and use. This includes protecting data that is archived and disposing of data in a responsible manner appropriate to the data classification. In addition, knowledge of both FERPA and HIPAA regulations is a must, and annual training is required for those who have the highest likelihood of accessing and/or using student data or patient health data.

Procedures for Access:
Institutional and Departmental Shared Drives – Access to (non-shared) folders in this drive must be granted by the Chair, Director, Manager, or Supervisor of the specific department, program, or unit that the folder name reflects. The Chair, Director, Manager, or Supervisor will contact the I.T. Dept. to grant access.
· Data in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems – Access must be granted by a Chair, Director, Manager, or Supervisor of a specific department, and forwarded to I.T. for assistance.
· Data in Student Information Systems – Access must be granted by making a request to the Registrar, who in turn will consult with the VP of Institutional Effectiveness to ensure de-identification of private data, including data for the purpose of research.
· Data in Other Campus Information Systems – Access must be granted by the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness or his/her designee.
· Data in Other Repositories – Access should be requested to and granted by the Data Steward of specific data and/or the person responsible for data administration.Note: Exception for Access: All those in a position within RVU Leadership shall have direct access to any RVU Institutional Data and Information Resources without needing to request access. These positions include: President and CEO, Vice Presidents, Provost, Deans, Program Directors, Associate Deans, and Assistant Deans. V. Additional Information: Failure to comply with Rocky Vista University’s Data Access and Use policy may result in sanctions relating to the individual’s use of institutional data (such as suspension or termination of access, or removal of online material); the individual’s employment (up to and including immediate termination of employment in accordance with the level of severity); civil or criminal liability; or any combination of these.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity is an important part of our medical student’s journey. Diversity can be defined as the recognition, reflection, and representation of individual differences within a community including, but not limited to: culture, race, age, ethnicity or national origin, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, spiritual practices, political beliefs, mental and physical ability, socioeconomic status, individual life experiences, or other ideologies.

The Rocky Vista University Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a resource for students, staff, and faculty that promotes opportunities to address the challenges and practices of DEI in healthcare education across all campuses and for all community members.  Contact us for more information or service at 720-875-2825. 

Visit our Diversity at RVU webpage for more information

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

RVU strives to ensure the accessibility of its facilities, curricula, and co-curricular offerings. RVU strives for equity and ensures every reasonable accommodation is made. Each student’s request for accommodations is considered uniquely and independently of other student requests. With this in mind, the following non-exhaustive list provides examples of accommodations provided for RVU students:

  • Accommodations for students in the classroom setting include additional time on tests, separate testing space, breaks during exams, and access to food/drinks.
  • Accommodations for students in the clinical setting often depend on the essential functions of the activities and may include adjustments to schedules, alterations to clinical requirements, and adjusted timeframes.
  • Service animals are generally welcomed across RVU, with limitations in place for certain spaces (e.g., clinical/sterile environments).
  • Assistive technology, such as note-taking software, text-to-speech software, and speech-to-text software, are also considerations when unique circumstances present themselves.

Any issues with accessibility to facilities or programs should be brought to the attention of the ADA officer so they can be addressed accordingly.  For more information regarding accommodations for students with disabilities, please see the ADA Accommodations webpage.

Institutional Snapshot

Parent Organization

Privacy of Student Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

As part of FERPA guidelines, all postsecondary institutions provide annual notification to their students of their rights under FERPA.  The Office of the Registrar provides this notification in the fall semester, with a follow-up in the spring semester on various reminders for record requests.

FERPA and Coronavirus FAQ (PDF)
Regulatory compliance, especially under FERPA, and protection of student academic records is of utmost importance at all levels—institutional, industry and government.  The Office of the Registrar is here to preserve, protect and provide your records within compliance under FERPA, and we eagerly support you in your career from matriculation all the way through graduation and beyond!

FERPA Annual Notification of Rights: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution at any age.)  These are your rights.  It is our responsibility to notify you of them, and it is your responsibility to understand them for your protection.
FERPA Annual Notification of Rights (PDF)

Registrar Memo – From Health to Identity – Protecting You:  This memorandum is a supplemental document updated for this Academic Year 2021-2022.  Our goal is to address the most urgent topics and FAQs expressed by students.
Registrar Memo (PDF)

FERPA and Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions: This document was provided by the U.S. Department of Education for your reference upon the initial outbreak, outlining the applicability of FERPA to disclosures of student information related to medical emergencies.  With the world still dealing with variants and spikes, the CDC still updating guidelines and requirements, and organizations still assessing the best methods of safety, this information still applies to current and upcoming circumstances.

Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal, and Return of Title IV Financial Aid

Retaking Courses, Remediation, and Student Performance Committees

State Authorizations

Rocky Vista University has full authorization from the state agencies listed below to operate its campuses in Colorado and Montana, and its additional location in Utah.

Colorado Department of Higher Education
1560 Broadway, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 862-3001

Montana University System
560 N. Park
PO BOX 203201
Helena, MT 59620-3201
(406) 449-9124
State Authorization (PDF)

Utah Department of Commerce
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
(801) 530-6601

RVU holds authorizations in most states for students on clinical rotations, please contact the compliance director for additional information. 

Student Demographics

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program (Colorado Campus Location)

Entrance YearGenderRace/EthnicityMean AgeCO Resident
201952% Male
48% Female
7% Underrepresented:
1% African American
1% American Indian
3% Hispanic
2% Two or more races (non-white)
202046% Male
54% Female
10% Underrepresented:
1% African American
1% American Indian
7% Hispanic
1% Pacific Islander
202140% Male
60% Female
16% Underrepresented:
4% African American
1% American Indian
10% Hispanic
1% Pacific Islander
1% Two or more races (non-white)

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program (Utah Campus Location)

Entrance YearGenderRace/EthnicityMean AgeUT Resident
201973% Male
27% Female
5% Underrepresented:
1% African American
1% Hispanic
3% Two or more races (non-white)
202067% Male
33% Female
5% Underrepresented:
2% Hispanic
1% Pacific Islander
2% Two or more races (non-white)
202155% Male
45% Female
12% Underrepresented:
2% Hispanic
1% Pacific Islander
2% Two or more races (non-white)

Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Program

Entrance YearGenderRace/EthnicityMean AgeCO/UT Resident
201947% Male
53% Female
3% Underrepresented:
1% African American
2% Two or more races (non-white)
202039% Male
61% Female
21% Underrepresented:
10%  African American
11% Hispanic
202136% Male
64% Female
24% Underrepresented:
7% African American
15% Hispanic
2% Two or more races (non-white)

Physician Assistant Studies Program

Entrance YearGenderRace/EthnicityMean AgeCO/UT Resident
201919% Male
81% Female
5% Underrepresented:
3% African American
1% Hispanic
1% Two or more races (non-white)
202023% Male
77% Female
11% Underrepresented:
11% Hispanic
202131% Male
69% Female
11% Underrepresented:
5.5%  American Indian
5.5% Hispanic

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements

Each degree program has specific requirements for the transfer of credit between another educational institution and the University. Please refer to the section on individual degree programs for more information.

DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE (DO) (Colorado, Utah and Montana Campuses)
Each medical school’s curriculum is unique and based upon that school’s longitudinal timetable. The medical school curriculum at RVUCOM and RVU-MCOM is a four-year, longitudinal course of study in which the course work builds upon previously learned precepts. Therefore, requests for transfer are discouraged and will rarely be considered unless there are highly compelling circumstances.

Circumstances may warrant that a student enrolled in a college of medicine seeks to transfer to another institution. Credits may be transferred from medical schools and colleges accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA). RVUCOM and RVU-MCOM will not consider transfer requests from students enrolled at a foreign medical school or LCME accredited program.

  • Transfers from one college of osteopathic medicine to another shall require that, at a minimum, the last two years of instruction be completed within RVUCOM and RVU-MCOM.
  • Transfer shall be accepted and transfer credits shall be given only if the student is in good standing and eligible for readmission to the previously attended college of osteopathic medicine.
  • Credit is only given for completed courses with grades of 70 percent (C) or greater.

RVUCOM transcripts will reflect the cumulative credit hours transferred in from the previous medical school. Information regarding grades or class rank from the previous school will not be reflected on the RVU transcript. Students who transfer into RVUCOM and RVU-MCOM will not receive a class rank.

Anyone wishing to transfer to RVUCOM and RVU-MCOM must:

  • Provide a written statement outlining reasons for request for transfer. All information is to be sent to the Vice President of Enrollment Management and External Relations. Decisions regarding transfer are made by the Dean and will be based on factors including academic record, circumstances leading to the transfer request, available space, and admission standards;
  • Provide a letter from the Dean of the transferring institution verifying that the student is in good standing and be eligible to continue;
  • Submit a copy of their AACOMAS application;
  • Meet all admission requirements to RVUCOM and RVU-MCOM, which include submitting official transcripts of all college work where a degree was earned; transcripts from the medical school attended, including the final transcript showing the successful completion of the first two years; MCAT scores; national board scores; and letters of evaluation;
  • Submit COMLEX Level 1 and USMLE Step 1 scores;
  • Pass a background check and drug screen; and
  • Submit required medical forms.

The RVU-MCOM program does not accept transfer credits from other institutions in the preclinical years. 

The MMS program does not accept transfer credits from other institutions.

The MSBS program does not accept transfer credits from other programs. In addition, courses completed in the MSBS program will not transfer to other programs at RVU.

The RVU PA Program does not take into consideration advanced placement credit for any courses and does not accept transfers from other Physician Assistant Programs.

The DNAP program does not accept transfer credit from other programs.

 Transfer Credit Policy (PDF)

Voter Registration Information

Health and Safety

Campus Security and Fire Safety Policies, Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, Crime Log and Emergency Management Plan

The Rocky Vista University Department of Campus Safety & Security is proud to be a community- and student-centered campus safety agency. A wealth of information can be found at Colorado CampusSouthern Utah Campus, and Montana Campus; including the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, a daily crime log, how to sign up for the RU Alert Emergency Notification system, and other institutional policies and procedures concerning safety.

You can download copies of the 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF) or obtain a paper copy by contacting the Campus Safety department at (303) 373-2008, or (435) 222-1300.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policies and Prevention

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace of 1988 require all schools and institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees on University property or as part of any University activities.

The annual notification and the Biennial Review, which are part of Rocky Vista University’s program adopted to comply with these Acts, are required by law. In compliance with the law, the policy can be found in the University Catalog/Handbook, as well as the Employee Handbook.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notification – CO: 2024 (PDF)

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notification – MT: 2024 (PDF)

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notification – UT: 2024 (PDF)

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Biennial Review: 2022 (PDF)

Title IX (Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking)

Rocky Vista University (the “University”) is committed to the principles of academic and professional excellence and to fostering a positive learning and working environment for its students and employees. Accordingly, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the administration of or in connection with its educational and admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or employment practices, and it is required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 to not discriminate in such a manner.

It is the intent of the University to provide its employees and students with an environment free of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence (collectively “sexual misconduct”), and to respond appropriately to reports of sexual misconduct. The civil and respectful treatment of one another is a foundation of our principles, and the University will not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct. Persons found responsible for sexual misconduct are subject to disciplinary measures, up to and including dismissal or termination, consistent with this Sexual Misconduct Policy and Investigation Procedures (“Policy”) and any other applicable disciplinary procedures.

Compliance with this Policy is a term and condition of student enrollment and employment at the University. Questions about this Policy or Title IX can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at (720) 874-2481.

RVU’s Sexual Misconduct and Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures document is a working document that invites participation and input from the entire RVU community. Revisions will be made on an ongoing basis that reflect community feedback and participation in Title IX educational and prevention activities.

Please refer to Sexual Misconduct and Non-Discrimination Reporting, Investigating, and Hearing Procedures for additional information.

Student Financial Assistance

Assistance Available From Federal, State, Local and Institutional Programs

Information about the application process, types of assistance available, terms and conditions of Title IV, criteria for selecting recipients and for determining amount of awards, eligibility requirements, methods and frequency of disbursement, rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, satisfactory academic progress, and exit counseling can be found online at Financial Aid – Rocky Vista University (

Code of Conduct for Education Loans

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 adds to the federal financial aid Program Participation Agreement a requirement that an institution participating in a Title IV loan program must develop, publish, administer, and enforce a code of conduct that includes specific bans and prohibitions. Also as part of the Rocky Vista University community, the Financial Aid office subscribes to a set of ethical principles that incorporates the Rocky Vista University Mission; the Enrollment Services Vision, Mission and Values; and guidelines provided by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).

Code of Conduct (PDF)

Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information

Information about the application process, types of assistance available, terms and conditions of Title IV, criteria for selecting recipients and for determining amount of awards, eligibility requirements, methods and frequency of disbursement, rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, satisfactory academic progress, and exit counseling can be found online at Financial Aid – Rocky Vista University (

8401 S. Chambers Road
Parker, CO 80112
For faster response, please direct inquiries to: [email protected]

255 E. Center Street
Ivins, UT 84738
For faster response, please direct inquiries to: [email protected]

8401 S. Chambers Road
Parker, CO 80112
For faster response, please direct inquiries to: [email protected]

For study abroad queries about Title IV funds, please contact the Financial Aid Department.

Entrance and Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers

All new borrowers at Rocky Vista University must complete Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling online at Student Aid website and enter the Rocky Vista University school code of 042189 (for all campuses) before any federal student loan funds will disburse.

Exit counseling is required for students who are graduating or leaving school. The counseling provides useful information to help students understand their rights and responsibilities as federal loan borrowers and prepares them for repayment of federal student loans. You will receive notification from the Financial Aid office when you need to complete exit counseling, either before your expected graduation date or if you have withdrawn from the university. Exit counseling is also completed online at Student Aid website.

Financial Aid Fraud

It is important for students to understand the policies and procedures to obtain and maintain funding. Read the policies on Satisfactory Academic Progress. For questions or concerns, please contact Student Financial Services at (720) 874-2442.

National Student Loan Data System

All Title IV loan information will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guarantee agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system.

Student borrowers may access their Title IV loan information online at Student Aid website.

Notice of Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug and Law Violations*

Loss of Eligibility Due to A Drug Violation:

A student who is convicted of a state or federal drug offense while enrolled in school and receiving federal student aid is ineligible for federal student aid. The chart below explains the period of ineligibility for federal student aid funds:

Possession of illegal drugsSale of illegal drugs
1st Offense1 year from date of conviction2 years from date of conviction
2nd Offense2 years from date of convictionIndefinite period
3+ OffensesIndefinite period

Regaining Eligibility after a Drug Conviction:

A student regains eligibility the day after the period of ineligibility ends or when they successfully complete a qualified drug rehabilitation program that includes passing two unannounced drug tests given by such a program.

A drug rehabilitation program is considered qualified if it includes at least two unannounced drug tests and meets one of the following requirements:

  • Be qualified to receive funds directly or indirectly from a federal, state, or local government.
  • Be qualified to receive payment directly or indirectly from a federally or state-licensed insurance company.
  • Be administered or recognized by a federal, state, or local government agency or court.
  • Be administered or recognized by a federally or state-licensed hospital, health clinic, or medical doctor.

Students denied eligibility for an indefinite period can regain it by successfully completing a rehabilitation program or if a conviction is reversed, set aside, or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record.

* Please note: Starting with the 2021-2022 award year. As described in Dear Colleague Letter GEN-21-4, the FAFSA Simplification Act eliminated the prohibition on receiving Title IV aid for students with drug-related convictions

Private Educational Loan Disclosures

Private educational loans are available to students. Private loans may have fixed or variable interest rates and may charge loan origination fees. All will require a credit check and many may request a cosigner to obtain a lower interest rate. Students will normally apply for a private loan online at the lender’s site. Most private loans will require the school to certify your student status and will send loan funds directly to the school to be applied toward your tuition and fee costs.

Private loan applicants should understand that they may qualify for federal Title IV loans, which may have more favorable terms than the provisions of a private educational loan. Students are strongly encouraged to review the interest rates, fees, loan terms, and repayment options described in the promissory note before deciding to select a private loan.

Student Loan Information

Students who receive financial aid have certain rights and responsibilities.

As a student, you have the right to know:

  • What financial aid programs are available and how to apply for them;
  • The criteria used to determine financial aid eligibility and calculate need;
  • The type and amount of assistance you will receive, and how you will be paid;
  • The terms and conditions of any financial aid you accept;
  • The interest rate and terms of repayment of any loan you accept;
  • The procedure for increasing, decreasing or cancelling your student loan;
  • The Cost of Attendance, Tuition Refund and Return of Title IV funds policy;
  • How Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid is determined;
  • The process, requirements and consequences of any withdrawal, dismissal or leave of absence from the University;
  • That all application information will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality;
  • Your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA);
  • To request a review of your financial aid package if family and/or financial circumstances have changed;
  • That the Office of Student Financial Services will communicate financial aid information and awards to you by electronic means unless you provide a written request asking us to provide paper copies;
  • That RVU will submit your enrollment and loan information to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) as required by the federal government.
  • Campus security and crime statistics.

As a student, it’s your responsibility to:

  • Establish plans to meet your educational and living expenses;
  • Submit all documentation and forms requested by the Office of Financial Aid or your lender in a timely and accurate manner;
  • Read, understand, and retain copies of all information and/or forms that are sent to you and all other documents you sign;
  • Comply with the provisions of any aid received, as well as any promissory note(s) and all other agreements you sign;
  • Notify RVU of all resources (especially outside resources) you receive that are not listed on your award letter;
  • Keep RVU informed of any change of address, name or marital status while you are a student, and until all loans have been repaid in full;
  • Use aid only for educational expenses related to attending the University;
  • Comply with deadlines for the payment of tuition;
  • Register and attend classes for the number of hours required for your aid disbursement;
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress;
  • Provide written permission before personal information can be released to outside parties.
  • Reapply for student financial aid every year.
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with a financial aid counselor during your first semester if you are receiving a student loan.

For additional information regarding Federal Student Loans, please visit Student Aid website here.

Click here to view Types of Aid (Loans) available

Student Outcomes

Residency Placement & Board Pass Rates

Retention & Completion Rates By Program

Contact Us

Colorado Campus

8401 S. Chambers Road
Englewood, CO 80112

Utah Campus

255 E. Center Street
Ivins, UT 84738

Montana Campus

4130 Rocky Vista Way
Billings, MT 59106