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University Accreditation

Rocky Vista University (RVU) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
HLC accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in the United States. HLC is as an institutional accreditor, accrediting the institution as a whole. At its meeting on July 15, 2024, the Institutional Actions Council (IAC) of the Higher Learning Commission voted to continue the accreditation of Rocky Vista University with the next Reaffirmation of Accreditation in 2033-34.  Institutional accreditation provides assurance that RVU provides a quality educational experience and conducts itself with integrity.  For further information please contact the Higher Learning Commission at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604; or (800) 621-7440.

State Authorizations

Rocky Vista University has full authorization from the state agencies listed below to operate its campuses in Colorado, Utah, and Montana.

Colorado Department of Higher Education
1560 Broadway, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 862-3001
State Authorization

Montana University System
560 N. Park
PO Box 203201
Helena, MT 59620-3201
(406) 449-9124
State Authorization

Utah Department of Commerce
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
(801) 530-6601
State Authorization

Program & Center Accreditations

Specialized program accreditation agencies accredit specific academic programs within an institution of higher learning. These program accreditations ensure that individuals who successfully complete an RVU degree program are eligible to sit for relevant licensure examinations.  Rocky Vista University’s programs and centers hold the specialized program accreditations listed below.

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program offered at RVU’s Colorado, Utah, and Montana campuses have been granted Accreditation – Continued status by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). For further information please contact COCA at 142 E. Ontario St., Chicago, IL 60611; or (800) 621-1773; email: [email protected]

American Osteopathic Association

Master of Physician Assistant Studies

The Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the Rocky Vista University Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Rocky Vista University. Accreditation-Continued is an accreditation status granted when a currently accredited program is in compliance with the ARC-PA Standards.

 Accreditation remains in effect until the program closes or withdraws from the accreditation process or until accreditation is withdrawn for failure to comply with the Standards. The approximate date for the next validation review of the program by the ARC-PA will be March 2033. The review date is contingent upon continued compliance with the Accreditation Standards and ARC-PA policy.

 The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website here.

Rocky Vista University Surgical Simulation Center

RVU has the distinction of being recognized as a Comprehensive Accredited Education Institute (AEI) by the American College of Surgeons  and is the only osteopathic medical school to receive this prestigious accreditation. This consortium of high-quality programs around the world sets the standard for excellence and innovation in simulation-based education. Our designation includes both Colorado and Utah campuses. For further information please click on the link below or contact the ACS at 633 N. Saint Clair Street, Chicago, IL 60611; or (312) 202-5000.


Student Complaints

Rocky Vista University upholds high standards and expectations of professional conduct for all its community members. As with any institution that educates and employs a large number and variety of people, we may sometimes be challenged by conflicts, lack of clarity in policies, or problems that may arise from misunderstandings.

RVU encourages students and employees to first make attempts to resolve conflicts with the person with whom there is a dispute. When a desirable outcome cannot be reached by both parties, policies and processes pertaining to student complaints are described here.

Additional Resources

Careers at RVU

Careers at RVU

Careers at RVU

Rocky Vista University welcomes employment inquiries from qualified individuals who share and support our mission and vision. We value individuals who demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning, community service, and excellence. As one of the newest of the colleges of osteopathic medicine, RVU enjoys an entrepreneurial culture featuring state of the art facilities and innovative approaches to learning.

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Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

The faculty and staff are a school’s most valuable commodity. They are the basis of the school’s success and the future success of its graduates. At RVU, we have a group of employees who are dedicated to the mission of providing quality healthcare education and of inspiring students to serve with compassion, integrity, and excellence. Visit the RVU Directory to get to know the faculty and staff.

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Information Hub

Information Hub

Information Hub

There are many ways to learn more about RVU; from the latest news to the stories of our students, faculty, and staff – the Information Hub has current press releases, news updates, and featured blogs.

Learn More

Contact Us

Colorado Campus

8401 S. Chambers Road
Englewood, CO 80112

Utah Campus

255 E. Center Street
Ivins, UT 84738

Montana Campus

4130 Rocky Vista Way
Billings, MT 59106