July 15, 2021 | CRT-Update

July 15, 2021
Covid Resources at Rocky Vista University

July 15, 2021 | Campus Events Including Guests During Phase Green

Hello Everyone,

As we roll into Phase Green we realize that there may be occasions when you would like to have special guests on campus for curricular and other types of educational or administrative events.  In order to maintain a standard of safety for our employees and students, we have created a request form for these occasions.

This form, link below, provides a method for you to submit the details of your event and select an approver from the list of Vice Presidents or other designees.  Approvers will be given a set of guidelines to use in assessing these events for safety and will let you know if the event is approved, declined or approved with recommendations.  This form is for employee use only.  Students should continue to use the Event Form created and approved by the Directors of Student Life.

Here are some things to consider when planning these events.

  • All guests will be required to complete an Attestation before attending an event on campus.
  • All guests will be required to wear a mask upon building entry and at all times while on campus.
  • Guests are required to check in at the Security Desk.
  • In some instances (such as a single guest presenters or consultant for example), those guests may be permitted to remove the masks if they are able to provide proof of vaccination upon entry to the Security Officer on duty. This will be at the discretion of the approver.
  • The ability to serve food at events including guests will be limited and not permitted when the vaccination status of guests is unknown.

Please use this form for all events that will include outside guests.  For the immediate future, inviting personal friends, family members, etc. to come on campus for social purposes should be avoided or very limited.  We may relax this standard as we move further into Phase Green but ask that for now you limit these instances for the safety and wellbeing of others.

Thank you,

The Covid-19 Response Team



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