February 4, 2021 | CRT-Update

February 4, 2021
Covid Resources at Rocky Vista University

February 4, 2021 | CRT Update

February 4, 2021

Dear RVU Family,

This will be a short CRT email since we have our Town Hall tomorrow to provide more detailed updates. We are hopeful and optimistic as we start the new month of February. Since last week, 2 pre-clinical students

and 2 employees tested positive on our Utah campus. Our Colorado campus had 1 pre-clinical student test positive and no employee cases.

  • CRT Town Hall Reminder
    • Please join us tomorrow, Friday, February 5th at 12:00 PM at our CRT Town Hall. Topics to be covered include the RVU Vaccine Plan Updates for both campuses,  an Attestation Form Update, and an update on New Variants.
    • Up to 20 minutes has been reserved for Q&A’s with our panelists: Dr. Park, Dr. Ferrill, Dr. Miller, and Mr. Armstrong. The panelists will answer pre-submitted questions as well as additional questions (time permitting).
    • If your schedule does not allow you to attend live, the recording will be shared with you as always.
  • RVU Vaccine Updates
    • Colorado – The RVU Health Center received 100 Moderna vaccine doses this week. Dr. Kinder and Tiffany Mahaso enlisted the help of Dr. Bentley and 5 RVUCOM students to help pilot our vaccination rollout plan. The CRT is still working on various final planning steps before we expand volunteering opportunities and vaccination services.
    • Utah - The Utah team continues to make great progress with the multi-step application process at the state and federal levels to be a community vaccination center. We are getting expedited approvals on every application and required document we submit. A vaccination planning team is being assembled so that we will be prepared to launch immediately upon final approvals.

Thank you for all you continue to do to keep our community safe. We look forward to everyone’s participation at tomorrow’s Town Hall as we share additional information with all of you.

Professionally yours,

The COVID-19 Response Team


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