January 04, 2021 | CRT-Update

January 4, 2021
Covid Resources at Rocky Vista University

January 4, 2021 | CRT Update

Dear RVU Family,

Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope that you had a wonderful, safe and rejuvenating winter break. We have a few time-sensitive updates that we would like to share with you in this brief CRT email.

  • We understand that students are on a two-week quarantine period at each respective training site. However, the RVU buildings are not closed. Students may access the building for individual study through the reservation system. Please note that this does not include OMM tables or any other situations of close contact during this time.
  • Our CRT Town Hall via Zoom is scheduled for tomorrow at noon. We hope you will attend.
  • New variants of the COVID-19 virus are in the United States. One particular variant is being reported to have higher transmissibility which increases the risk of higher case numbers and hospitalizations.  Therefore, we must continue to be very vigilant and continue to strictly observe all safety protocols.

Our next email will be sent out on Friday as usual. In addition to the typical updates, the message will also include answers to questions which couldn’t be addressed during the Town Hall due to time constraints. A link to the Town Hall recording will also be included for those unable to attend. Until then, stay safe and remain RVU Strong!

Professionally yours,

The COVID-19 Response Team



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